[BETTY & VERONICA.] masquerade.

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One sided Betty/Veronica
Implied Mac/Veronica
Implied Chanduke

[cinderella type au. aka, "wow i change my appearance and someone can't tell who i am!"]

      Betty was almost glad no one could see her face.

      All of Westerberg seemed to hate the idea of a masquerade themed dance and maybe Betty was beginning to see why. It's a blur of white masks and glitter and she's started to regret it herself. If people knew it was her they could push her into a locker for making it a reality.

But hell, she'd put too much effort into this stupid dance to just leave. Sitting down with Martha Dunnstock for nearly an hour to decorate their masks. Martha didn't have a date and neither did she--but the duo still put their heart into it. A white mask with a cluster of gold and purple rhinestones for Betty and a pink, silver gleaming one for Martha. Perhaps they looked like a hot mess, but they could have cared less. Not to mention Betty bought contacts for this stupid event. Hey, the sacrifices you make are student body president, right?

It varied from person to person. Some individuals, like Heather Chandler in her blaring red dress stood out against the rest of the anonymous figures that made up the student body. Other's blurred together like a blob, familiar faces hidden by cheap disguises. Veronica Sawyer, though, was not one of those people. Yes, she wore a mask like many others. But her dark blue dress practically caught everyone's eye, including Betty's. The 'geek' didn't stir from her corner of the gym. She watched the brunette from across the gym, who was currently caught up in some conversation with Heather Duke and Chandler--who were linked at the arm, trailing down to have their fingers interlaced. Ram and Kurt lingered by the duo, but neither of them seemed interested in having the jocks as their dates.

Betty smoothed out the fabric of her yellow and white dress, drinking her punch while trying to ignore the fact that the trio's conversation and glances seemed to be aimed at her. Chandler made a sudden joke, thin finger suddenly pointing in the valedictorian's direction. Betty went stiff. Whatever she had said grabbed Veronica's attention, her cheeks flushing as she gave the Queen Bee a playful shove. Duke shoved her back--towards the sidelines of the dance floor. Towards her.

Freckled digits clutched at the hem of her skirt. She almost prayed Veronica wouldn't walk this way. Betty swallowed thickly. Six months. Six months ago Veronica had joined the Heathers. The two girl's friendship had practically shattered since then. She pretended it didn't ache--watching her best friend.

Sorry. Ex- best friend since kindergarten being dragged off to the hellhole that was the top of the social pyramid at Westerberg High. Betty still had the photos, the one of the two throughout the years. Halloween. Christmas. Birthdays. You name it. Maybe Betty had become too attached to Veronica Sawyer in a way--a way she didn't properly understand. Platonically speaking. Or. . . otherwise. That was a story for another day. The teen would rather not dwell on locked up old feelings towards a girl she may or may not have a crush on unless she had to.

Then she looked up--and then Veronica was heading her way. Betty suddenly tensed. She clutched the solocup, suddenly panicked. In a wave of nervousness she somehow thought it would be a good idea to ignore the newly knighted Heather as she slid into view. The brunette kept her eyes on the crowd, thoughtless scanning as if she was looking for someone. Veronica cleared her throat, leaning back on her heels.

Betty's gaze snapped up, a face full of mock surprise.

"Oh! Hey, Veronica. I didn't, um, see you." Betty winced at her own greetings.

The junior flashed her an odd look behind the mask that hid her features. "Hey," Veronica mumbled, successfully grabbing her friend's attention. "This dance is pretty cool, huh? Better than all the boring ones or Under The Sea dances."

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