Color Theory. [SOULMATE AU]

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AU where you're born seeing color, but if your soulmate passes away your world turns black and white.

Yellow had always been the most vibrant.

Heather McNamara had always known that ever since she could remember. The small blonde had used to tumble around the garden, scooping up daises and sunflowers until her mother had to drag her away.

Of course, she enjoyed the others as well, pinks and oranges & whatnot. Though, yellow had been her favorite.

"Why yellow?" Chandler had asked her one day at the end of seventh grade, nose scrunching up.

"I dunno." Mcnamara had shrugged, palms coming down to smooth out her new sundress—yellow. "It's all sunny. ."

"That's a stupid reason," Chandler stated, placing her lunchbox down on the table before them. Her crimson bracelet jingled as she moved.

Mac blinked, cheeks flushing in embarrassment. The odd bluntness threw her off guard. "Uh, well—I don't think it's stupid—"

"Are colors really that big a deal?" Heather Duke suddenly piped up from beside her. "It's just colors. Why does everyone make such a big deal out of it?"

"Because it's about your soulmate, Heather, god, keep up." The leader of the young clique snipped.

Duke slumped in her seat.

The blonde cast a look of pity towards the girl in green.

"I. .what do you mean?"

"You know—how you and your soulmate both see color? Until one of you. ." Chandler's tone trailed. "You know."

"Uhuh." McNamara nodded along. "My parents told me about that. How do you know who's your soulmate, though?"

"I assume you just like. .can tell?" Duke chimed in hesitantly. "Like my parents, they've been together forever. If they weren't soulmates, I'm sure they would've split a long time ago." She explained with confidence. "When you meet him you'll know."

"Mhm," Chandler agreed, eyes scanning the cafeteria. "Do you wanna know what Courtney told me?"


"That sometimes, you can have more than one soulmate."

"What?" McNamara's head cocked, gaze full of confusion.

"Not at once, but like—" Chandler shook her head, earrings swaying. "Courtney told me how she'd met this girl at summer camp and she told Courtney how her Mom had passed away when she was a kid, and how her Dad stopped seeing color." Heather began.

The two others nodded along.


"Yeah, but then—a few years later her Dad started dating again and met this girl and he woke up one day and the color was back. They got married and whatever," Chandler ended the vague storytelling session, leaning back in her seat.

"I hope I meet mine soon," a tiny smile poked at the corner of Duke's lips, lazily picking at her salad with her fork. "Do you think maybe I've already met him?"

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