FIGHT TIME w/ TREES part two

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~ Valeria here homies how are you well like I promised here is part two hope ya like! Pasta for everyone! * throws pasta*~

"Fucking finally we made it to damn motherfruking IHOP's for your bitchass Laisha!" Said as we got out of Laisha's car I mean it fucking 6:45 am

I would still be sleeping right now! "Bitch calm the fuck down I'm paying for your guys food! -.-" said Laisha as she pushed the door open. " Okay guys." Carly said with her serious face on, " Remember the rules first no fights, second no swearing, third act normal!" ..........'Bitch please!!!' Laisha and I thought as we looked each other and looked back at Carly then proceeded to give her the ' Bitch please' face.

" Can you guys at least try! Please for me!" She said with a pleading look. " Ugh fine!" I said pouting while Laisha said " No promises!" With her badass face on. " Meh good enough I guess." Carly said while shrugging her shoulders. Oh wow Carly you just give up like that -.-' whatever Trololo! We got a table and sat down and then we ordered our food / I got the velvet pancakes/ and while we were waiting

This annoying girl and her friends walked and sat in another table and then started talking all loud and shit. ' Dude what the Duck! ' We all thought "

Pssh Valeria! Carly! Want to annoy those bitches!" Whispered Laisha as she grinned.

" Heck yeah!" I said while I put my game face on. " I mean why not!" Carly said with enthusiasm. Time to take action and after a little while we thought why not play " Blow me" by Jeffree Star! When we started playing that song the bitches looked at us like ' bitch WTF are you playing!' Let me tell you it was awesome to see those assholes getting annoyed by us. " Hey!" Said this girl who had a really high- pitched voice, " what the hell are you idiots playing!" " I don't know bitch!" Laisha said while smirking at her, " it's called music maybe if you weren't dumb you would have known better!". "That's it!" Screamed the fake bitch as she tried to slap Laisha. Key word " tried" XD. That's when all hell broke loose!

Laisha Kung fu kick her in the face and managed to bitch-slap that bitch into place and I swear her eyes were vibrating! " Valeria!" Yelled Carly to me. " What Carly!" I said " Lets go! Grab Laisha and let's go!". " Fine " I threw her the keys, " Bring the car ASAP!" " Okay!" Said while she ran out to go the car. " Laisha! Let's blow this joint!" I yelled "Yeah yeah!" Laisha yelled back as Carly came back with the car. We ran to the car and lefted but before we lefted I put $600 on our table to pay for the damages I mean crime doesn't come without pay!

" What the heck were you thinking?!" I said as got back to Laisha's house "

I dunno I just got real pissed so I put the bitch in her place!" Laisha said with her ' I regret nothing' face. I sighed " Well Carly what do you think-" That's when me and Laisha saw Carly fall from a tree. Laisha just started laughing her ass off and I sighed but smiled. Oh boy what a morning wonder what will happen at Breanna's house well one can never tell when with Laisha and Carly.

Valeria: Well I hope you liked this chapter and have a good night / or

Morning or evening/ I'm gonna go catch some zzz's bye homies! Take it away Laisha and Carly!

Laisha & Carly: R&R bye!

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