Fucking Creepy feating bre!

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~ Valeria here my Homies how are you guys well here's the next chapter in this series because my bitch (Laisha -.-') told me to update so here is part one for her so hope you like it HETALIA! Bye!~

" Fucking Flappy Bird!" Laisha, Carly, & I raged at our iPhones while we were at our friend Breanna's house helping her decorate her room with Bruno Mars things like posters and shit. " So

which one?" Said Breanna as she held up a poster of Bruno Mars & a poster signed by him. " I dunno." I said with a bored tone. I mean it's not like I don't want to be here but decorating is not my cup of tea because let me tell you it's fucking boring! " The signed one." Said Carly & Laisha as they glanced up & then proceeded to play Flappy Bird again.

"Okay!" Said Breanna with enthusiasm and with that she hanged the signed poster above her bed. "Isn't this fun you guys!" She said as she finished hanging the poster above her bed. "Umm Bre?" I said with a hesitating tone, "You should take a break I mean you've been at it since we came here!" "

Yeah!" Said Carly, " I mean you should have a break and play video games with

Me,Laisha, & Valeria!" "Ugh fine!" Breanna sighed. We all started playing video games when breanna said " hey guys I have this really old Nintendo 64 / * I own nothing/ and this unlabeled game want me to go get it?" "Sure!" We all said with amusement but in the pit of my stomach I had a feeling something bad was going to happen.....

Valeria: Sorry for the short chapter didn't have time to do more so here's part one I'll put part two up tomorrow so R&R peace Homies!

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