Final of in the woods

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Warning: this will only contain one point of view mine and italics mean another language sorry about the different point of view but I felt like it 😬 deciated to Laisha

Valeria Pov~

"No way!" I said with glare, " I'm not doing that!" I said to Jasper and Danny as the told me the plan. "Come on Valeria it'll be fun!" Said Jasper with an excited glint in his golden brown eyes

" Yeah don't be a spoiled brat Valeria." Grumbled Danny as he looked at me disdainfully at me. "Ah this bitch" I said in Spanish, "What'd you say!" Danny growled pissed off " What'd you think I said!!" I said with equally sass .........

Oh... I didn't tell you guys the idea Jasper and dimwit Danny had (=_=)" well it started here....


"Let's just say we want you to help us with a little prank Keith." Danny said with a smirk, "Here's the deal we had the idea of scaring your idiotic brothers and friends by using a- wait what's it called again?" "I think it was a Creepypasta scare or something like that Daniel." Jasper replied. Oh... Oh...

~Flashback Over~

And that's how we got here.....

"Daniel! Valeria! Come on!" Yelled Jasper as he pulled a blue mask on his face that had black ink or something coming from it. "What- Wait!!!!" We both yelled as he threw as outfits to put on ourselves. "Jasper?! Who the heck are you suppose to be cosplaying as!" Danny asked "Some dude named Jack or something" Jasper said with a shrug "You mean Eyeless Jack or something." I said to be more precise. "Yeah that fool!" He said with an excited tone, "Jasper... Stop talking please." Danny said with an exasperated look on his face, I shot Danny a dirty look and merely glared at him. "Oi Daniel! Valeria! Let's go prank them now!" Jasper said peeking out from wide bushes "Jazz give us some time to change!" I said put on the outfit as Danny did the same. After we got dressed I notice some people come around in a group walking and talking (or more precisely yelling at eachother)

'Wait...' I thought, 'isn't that my brothers and Laisha and Carly the homies!!!!!!!'. "Laisha!!!! Carly!!! My baes!!!!!" Laisha, Carly, and my brothers looked at me and screamed....... I forgot I was wearing the Masky outfit...... Oh whatever let them be scared Mwahahahahhaha

。゚(TヮT)゚。 ........ And now I'm bored...

"Carly! Laisha! Chill it's me!"

"Valeria?" They asked together in harmony, "SIS!!!!" Said my twin brother Nazo as he came running towards me. "Bro!!" I said ripping off the mask and running towards him fake crying. Then unicorns and rainbows made it so awesome ( like Prussia) and the world exploded (^_^) .... Just kidding we hightailed our butts out of there!

~ I know I know I haven't updated in a LONG time but I have school now and I have lost the inspiration to write but here's a chapter to keep you entertained for a while till I decide to update again bye!~

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2014 ⏰

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