Fucking Derps feating Kimmy

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~ Hey homies Valeria here! Let me tell you this chapter is based on a true story be afraid be very afraid >:). Anywho Pasta! And BAI!!!!!!!~

" Ugh!!!!" Groaned Carly, Laisha, & Me because it's Monday and let me tell you why it's bothering us WE HAVE FUCKING SCHOOL!!! -.-' . The bell rang to tell the kids to go to their classes. " Fuck bye!!!" I yelled as I rang to my first class. " Bye bitch!" Carly & Laisha yelled back going to their own classes.

~ Le awesome time skip to Lunch! Food!~

" Hey guys!" Said our friend Kimmy as she came up to me, Carly, & Laisha as we were finishing our lunches. " Hey!" We said as we got up to greet her " Wassup girl!" I said in a high-pitched voice. " Nothing" she said back the same way, Me,Carly, & Laisha were laughing at the voice she made because PASTA! Okay?! Anywho after that we decide that we should go to the field and play kick the football (or as we call it kick the fucking ball right bitch!) and as we played with are other friends

It got boring quickly so Carly, Laisha, Kimmy, & me decide to go walk around the field. "Bitch let's go!" Yelled Laisha " Bitch keep calm!" Said Carly as she walked slowly to annoy Laisha "Hurry up I need to tell Valeria about the slender bros!" " Slender bros?" Me and Kimmy asked. They gasped and told us about slenderman, offender man, trenderman, enderman, & splendorman.

~ Le five minutes later~

" Hey let's see who can be the weirdest!" Said Laisha as she ran waving her hands in the air. Then me, Carly, and Kimmy did the same and we had a blast till lunch was over. Best. Day. Ever!

Valeria: Hoped you enjoyed this chapter Bai!!! R&R!

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