What?: 4

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"How did you know I'm gay" I asked my dad feeling nervous, how he knew. As far as I remembered I was still hidden in the closet.

"You told me" dad said seating on one of my couches

"Your place is nice" Lauren complimented my tiny apartment

"Thanks?" I said not sure if this place was actually mine

"I told you?" I turned to my dad

"Yup" he smiled

Ugh I hated when he talked like a fucking teenager

"When?" I was curious now

"Emi's wedding" he whispered

"Oh..." I've seen pictures of that wedding; supposedly that was the day of the accident

"So..." Lauren said "did you tell him about us?"

"I don't know" she started laughing

Dad just smiled getting back to his book

"I was thinking we should go to your last job to see if they could hire you again" it sounded coherent actually

"What if they don't want me anymore?"  I said worried

"Well, we'll search in another house, don't worry, just bring your designs" dad was just so positive


I roamed around my so-called-home, it was small, and with pictures of places I visited.

Paris... I don't remember going, London, Milan, Rome, New York, Bali... Greece.

"Damn girl!" Lauren came from behind "You visited all the places on your bucket list"

"No" I whispered caressing a picture of me hugging a brunette whose face I couldn't clearly see "Dou you remember when I graduate high school?" I asked her

"I do!" she said smiling cheekily

"Besides hooking up with half of my friends at my party" she laughed "I was going to Spain for a month after that, do you remember?"

She nodded

"I met a girl called Cora" she listened carefully "She was the first girl I ever kissed; I knew I was gay in that trip"

"But you liked girls before" she interrupted

"I thought I was bisexual, but after that month I knew I never wanted to be with a boy ever again... until, well you know" the pain in her face made me stop talking

"Sorry" I apologized "I shouldn't had said that"

She nodded whipping the tears with her hands

"I made plans with her, we were going to visit Malaga and you know" I smiled at the memory

Cora was a sad story, but that didn't fit in the things I wanted to say to Lauren

"We never got to go"

"That's the place" she whispered

"We were going to meet at Atocha and take the train" she looked sadly at me

"I waited 4 hours but she never came" I felt sad "I guess she was scared"

"But what I'm trying to say is that if I ever meet the right girl I will take her to Malaga and propose"

Propose, damn... that sounded serious. I was never going to get serious with anyone, ever. Not after Cora, or Lucía or even Lauren. I enjoyed fooling around too much to do so.

But talking about proposing, I had lost the ring Patita gave to me, dad was going to kill me.

Lauren kept quiet.

"Did you draw this?" she took a folder from under my bed

"I guess" I dreamed with these designs, but I never got to design them... I guess I did.

"Damn" she whispered "Wedding dresses"

That was my little secret; I wanted to design wedding dresses

"They are gorgeous"

They were.


Dad was driving me to Valentino, he talked to someone over the phone and they were waiting for me, I was shitting myself.

"Dad, this is a mistake" I said shakily

"No dear, they got happy when I said your name" it wasn't true, they were mad, I disappeared for over a year "do you have all the designs?" he asked

They were in my hands, 71 dresses. I had to be fucking amazing, I was competing against myself. It took me 2 years of my life to get this far and I didn't remember a thing.

"Yes" I whispered

"Okay, here it is" he smiled "Go inside and show them who you were born to be"

I walked feeling underdressed as I saw the girl in the front desk

"Valentina!" she stood up and walked to me embracing me in a tight hug "Oh my God" her British accent ringing through my ears

"Hi" was all I could say

"Stefano is waiting for you" she smiled guiding me to a huge office

I sat waiting for a bald guy to go in, I had googled him.

"Valentina! My dear!" He took my hand kissing the back of it

"Hello" I said awkwardly

"Oh my love, how are you?" the fakeness in his voice made me smile

"I'm good" I said simply

"Where were you?" he sat on the chair on the other side of the desk "I saw that interview with the Jenner kid" I knew shit of what he was talking about

"Huh?" I asked

"Kendall Jenner confessed her love for you on national TV" he waited for my reaction

"You see" I started "I was in a car crash and in coma for 6 months" the horror in his eyes made me feel guilty

"OH MY GOD!" I nodded

"I woke up and my mind was blank" I sighed

He was mute for a solid minute

"Wow" was all he said

"I have a couple of designs in here" I said taking them out

"When your dad called I was so excited, when you told me you were leaving last year I told you I wanted to make a collection just for you"

My heart was pounding

"You left a couple of your designs with me and I personally supervised their creation" this wasn't real

"Maria Grazia left us in the middle of the organization for the fashion month, and I know this is rushed, but you will have a lot of help, and an office, we will pay for hotels in the four fashion cities" I zoned out

"You mean..." I started

"We want you...no no, I need you to be our new creative director, our main designer" boom, my mind exploded.


I'm sorry too [Kendall Jenner]Where stories live. Discover now