Chapter 1

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It's finally something I am able to do after such a long time. I cant remember the last time I breathed so easily and now the crisp air feels so good in my lungs.

College has never sounded so appealing.

These last few months I didn't even think about college, mostly because I was too busy wasting my time at parties and with him. The truth is, I just didn't really want to grow up. I wanted to be seventeen forever so that way I wouldn't have to think about the consequences of the future.

Now I hate being young. I want to be older and forget about all the stupid mistakes that I made in highschool. Mistakes that I will always remember.

Canby, Oregon. I've never gotten out of there so quickly. Once my beloved home is now a place I despise the most.

I just left. I had no reason to stay there and if I stayed any longer I would have completely lost my mind.

The drive from Oregon to Michigan was brutal but it gave me time to think about my new life ahead. Images of the last 48 hours keep haunting me and every time I try to push them out they just won't budge.


I threw as much clothes into a suitcase, not caring about my usual neatness with packing. I grabbed as much as I could but honestly I didn't feel like dragging all of this stuff with me. I just wanted to get the hell out.

I grabbed a pillow and a blanket along with my suitcase filled with clothes and stuffed everything into the trunk of my car.

Before I enter into the drivers seat I run back into my house and tear apart my room looking for it.

I start to panic when I don't see it and worry if he had took it just to punish me.

He would do that.

I start to give up and sob deep from within. This was the only thing I had from her and now I'm left with nothing. Absolutely nothing.

I check the only place that there is left and am relieved to find the little gold locket. I lock it safely around my neck and run out faster than before.

I take one last glance at the house where I grew up. A house that was once filled with sweet memories and warm smells. A house that I truly once called home.

And now all that remains is a sad looking house in my rear view mirror.

Tears threathen to come out but I push them away. I have to move on, even if it's the hardest thing I may ever have to do. I have to do it. I have to leave that place behind and focus on Michigan.


A random place to move to but far enough to start over.

I was accepted into the University of Michigan months ago but kept this secret with me. I was happy when I got accepted but convinced myself that I didn't need to go. All that I had was in Canby. He was in Canby, and that was all I needed at the time. I threw my life away for him only for him to wreck it even more.

How stupid of me.

After hours of driving and motel stops, I had finally made it to the campus.

I put a smile on my face and pretend I have the perfect life. I walk into the administration building and ignore the girl inside me calling me a fake.

Finally after waiting in a grusome line I recieved my class schedule and dorm room.

I wonder what my roommate will be like? I hope she isn't crazy like that one movie where the roommate was nice at first but after awhile was psycho and killed everyone.

I hope she is nice and we can be friends. I really need some friends right now.

I push my key into 3B and pray I don't get attacked by my new roommate.

I'm relieved to see no one is even in here. The only thing I see is a couple of pictures on the wall and a neatly made flower bed spread.

I set my lack of things down and pull out my blanket and pillow and make a so called bed.

I guess I should have brought at least a comforter but my thoughts were so jumbled that I couldn't even think straight when I was packing.

I quickly jumped to my feet when I heard the door behind me open.

"Oh hi!" the beautiful blonde in front of me exclaims.

She immediately forces a hug on me and I resist against it but then decide to be friendly and hug her back.

"I'm Lacey, but you can call me Lace or Lacey which ever one you prefer."

"I'm Charlie." I say turning back to unpack the little clothes I had brought.

"That is such a cool name!" She says so enthusiastically it almost makes me believe its actually a cool name.

"Mine? I think you win for coolest name. I mean Lace, you can't get much cooler than that." I laugh.

We both smile at each other and I notice interesting things about her. She has blonde hair. So blonde it is almost white. Almost like how mine was before I completely darkened it at one of my many motel stops along the way here. It was one of the many things he liked about me and I definitely had to get rid of it. So I made no hesitation to buy cheap hair die and ruin my perfectly good hair.

Lace had beautiful green eyes and a beauty mark on her face that almost made her look like Mairlyn Monroe.

Looking at her beautiful complexion made me feel worse about myself. She was gorgeous.

"Charlie..don't tell me that is all you brought to college"

" I guess I am kinda simple?"

"Okay there is no way you can survive Michigan's winter with just a blanket and a pillow. C'mon let's go" She pulls my hand and in two seconds we are out of our dorm.

A/N: This is only chapter one so stick around I promise it will get interesting. Vote/comment what you think!

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