Chapter 34

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Song: Burn by Elle Goulding (one of the songs that inspired the story as if you couldn't tell ;) )

I sit alone in Harry's living room, aimlessly looking through his collection of records while I wait for him to return from his phone call. It must have been an important call if he's been gone for so long, plus when it rang his facial expression changed quickly once he saw who was calling. I didn't have time to question before he announced he would be right back and disappeared before my eyes.

I turn to a dusty looking record and open the inside cover to find an inscription written on the side, but before I can read it I hear Harry's low footsteps from behind me.

"What are you doing?" he says roughly, making me drop the record before I had time to put it back.

"I'm sorry" I reach forward to pick it up but he stops me.

"No it's okay. I'll get it." He walks over and picks it up, reading the inscription once before putting it back on the shelve.

"Who was on the phone?" I dare to ask.

He sighs heavily and pushes his hair back, something he always does when he's frustrated or angry.

"My parents."

"Oh, what did they want?" I say quietly, hoping he doesn't get angry.

"Just the usual checking up on their son once every three months!" he sighs again and I move forward and do what comes natural to me.

I hug him tightly which takes him by surprise but once he feels me in his arms he instantly pulls me closer. My hands find their way to his tattooed arm and again I'm tracing his scattered mess of tattoos. I don't know why this intrigues me so much but I feel so calm and relaxed when my fingers etch over the dark markings.

"I'm sorry." I breathe lightly.

"It's okay I'm used to it by now." he says simply which makes me frown.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask.

"I do but not right now. I don't want to be upset, it's not fair to you." he gently stokes my cheek and I turn my head to gaze up into those beautiful green eyes of his.

His eyes that we're so dark moments ago, filled with such anger and sadness, are now so pure looking. I can't help but compare them to a little boy's sleepy eyes that are filled with so much innocence and simplicity. The more I stare into his eyes the more feelings I can see pour out of them.

"I don't mind." I say honestly. I'd be more than willing to listen to him talk about what's on his mind.

"Maybe another night. There's something else I want to do tonight." He says slowly, glancing down at my lips.

"Sleep?" I say, pretending to be oblivious to what he's actually thinking of doing.

"No.." he smirks and places a simple kiss on my jaw.

"Are you sure you don't want to sleep? I'm pretty tired." I tease and again he kisses my jaw and carries on further down till he reaches my weak spot on my neck.

I hide the fact that his kisses are making my knees weak and fake a yawn to go along with my teasing.

"Oh I'm sure." his lips barely leave my neck as he speaks lowly.

"I think it'd be-" I try to focus on whatever I was trying to say but my mind wanders to the feel of Harry's lips on my neck.

My eyes close as his lips leave my neck and hover dangerously close to my lips.

Our lips barely touch and neither of us make any moves to push them fully together until I grab the back of his neck and finally seal our lips together.

Burn // h.sWhere stories live. Discover now