XIII. Chuunin (Part 2)

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'A written exam.' Sakura thought as she surveyed the back page of her paper with her pencil in hand. Her emerald eyes looked around the room. 'If my hunch is correct, then the questions would probably beyond Genin knowledge.' She frowned. 'Now, this is just down right dirty. Asking Genin to answer questions that they shouldn't know the answer to.'

"Begin!" The proctor, Morino Ibiki, called out to them. 'Let's see if anyone can figure this out.' He smirked as he watched them with narrowed eyes.

With that, Genin flipped their papers over. Surveying their papers some widened their eyes while others preferred to blink in shock. 'T...This is insane!'

"O-oi..." A random genin muttered in disbelief.

"I'm not going to pass this round." A shocked brunette said.

"I'm starting to regret not going to a library." A chubby redhead said as he gulped in fear.

'None of them knows the answer to any of these! Well, except for those who loves going to the library, or was at least taught by a mentor or teacher. I doubt that any of these would make sense to them.' Emerald eyes narrowed in concentration, '...Unless...' Her eyes widened.

The pinkette smirked as she realized the true cause of this exam; this is a test of information gathering. Of course! Most chuunin missions rely on information gathering and espionage. It would make sense to give them a series of questions that are unknown to them. With only their self to rely on, they would have to use any trick in the book to gather information while under pressure. Looking up, she locked eyes with Ibiki. She winked her eye at him while he crossed his arms in a challenge.

'You damn well know my skill set, Ibiki-san.'

After all, she was an ANBU Captain. And she got a few tricks along those years.

In front of the room, Ibiki grinned. 'The monster got the challenge.' He raised his chin up, 'Let's see how well you play!'


Working her way through the questions, several Genin were disqualified due to cheating. Or was at least caught cheating. Names and numbers were being called left and right. Said Genin tried to reason their way out, only to be apprehended by the examiners.

So far, Sasuke was using his Sharingan to copy his seatmate's hand movements to get answers. Huh, impressive. But it would be a problem if any of the examiners would look at his eyes. But still, at least he got the idea of the exam.

Looking to the left, she saw Naruto...well, panic. Which is not good. At all. Well, Naruto was never a good role model when it came to being subtle. But still, she would have to step up and help him. After all, they were teammates, he falls, and they all fall.

'Let's do a little trick, shall we?' She thought as she flipped her paper over and gently placed her pencil down beside her paper. She finished the questions with all the knowledge she got from all the books she has read before without her even cheating.

Exhaling softly, she concentrated on Naruto's paper. And with the subtlest chakra she could gather, she did her part.


'I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die. I'm going to die!!' Naruto thought as he pulled on his hair. 'Teme's going to kill me! Kakashi-sensei is gonna disown me! Tou-san and Kaa-chan is going to banish me!' Then, his shoulders slacked in disbelief, 'Or worse! Sakura-chan is gonna pulverize me!' He wanted to cry right now.

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