Ch. 5 - Come On Baby, Light My Torch

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"Where do you weirdos keep a moose?" Eve bellowed in terror.

Auden jovially skipped down the path, her arms heavily laden with S'more goodies. She shoved a handful of long roasting sticks in Eve's hand with a wicked grin and motioned toward the fire with the crown of her head.

"Let's set up the S'mores station, Evie. I'll show you how we do this for the campers."

Eve hesitated, taking a moment to fix Maverick with a dark look. 

"You could've warned me, Guru."

He plastered an innocent smile on his lightly toasted face and a single dimple appeared on his right cheek. Eve was already beginning to recognize that Maverick's dimple pop meant something nefarious was afoot.

"I'm not kissing anybody tonight," she assured him, "moose or other wise."

Maverick cocked a defiant brow and stood up a bit straighter,

"We'll just see about that, Goose."

"Evie," Auden cut in, impatiently tapping her foot, "let's go."

Slightly perturbed, Eve glowered up at Maverick one more time before following Auden toward the fire pit.

"We will use the big stump over here," Auden instructed, "get into the grahams and start breaking them up."

"I'd rather help with the chocolate..."

Auden rolled her eyes and gave a short laugh,

"Yeah right, Evie. We'd all like some chocolate tonight, too."

Eve stuck her tongue out as she got busy splitting graham crackers, breaking into a fit of giggles. Auden valiantly fought to keep a straight face, but quickly succumbed to laughter as well, drawing the attention of the other staff. This was possibly the most obnoxious habit the besties had, but once they got each other going... 

"Don't start!" Eve wheezed, pointing her index finger at Auden accusatorially. 

Auden attempted to school her face into a mask of calm, but she cracked even harder than before. This time she couldn't contain the full belly laugh that set Eve off into a long, silent laugh that looked more like pantomime. 

"What could possibly be so funny?" Charlie called from his seat on the front row of wooden benches. 

Averill was seated to his right, curiosity evident on her heart shaped face.

Eve tried to swallow her laughter,

"My inner fat kid is very demanding, you see."

"Yes," Auden agreed breathlessly, "no chocolate is safe."

"His name is Paco," Eve's lips twitched with the effort to stifle her giggles, "and he likes tacos."

Auden snorted and clapped both hands over her mouth, nearing hysteria.

"Who the hell is Paco?" Charlie hollered, throwing his hands in the air.

"My inner fat kid!" Eve yelled back, tears of mirth flowing freely down her freckled cheeks.

Zayne stepped in front of the fire solemnly, cool eyes fixed on Eve and Auden's antics.

"Whoops," Eve faux-whispered to Auden, "I think the boss is mad."

"Interesting, Eve," he murmured quietly, "I too, have an inner fat kid."

Out of the corner of her eye, Eve could see Auden's jaw popped open with fresh giggles.

"However," Zayne continued his leisurely walk into Eve's orbit, "her name is Debra, and that bitch Debra loves carbs."

Eve's mouth puckered in concentration, every fiber of her being fighting back laughter,

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