Ch. 31 - Secrets, Secrets Are No Fun...

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Eve knew most people would melt under the intensity of the stare Zayne's had fixed her with, but she wasn't one for backing down. Instead, she met his gaze with her own sassy expression and stood toe to toe with her technical superior.

"I happen to have something on Thea," she said evenly, "and I plan on keeping the information to myself," she paused, "seeming as it would hurt someone innocent and cause a tidal wave of drama... But, that doesn't mean I won't hold it over her bitchy head."

She could see a flash of curiosity spark up.

"What what exactly do you have on her?" Zayne lowered his voice a decibel and took a step toward her, most likely trying to intimidate Eve into responding. 

Eve being Eve, however, raised a brow flirtatiously.

"And what exactly will I get in return for sharing what I know?" she countered.

Zayne didn't bat an eye at her sass.

"I'm being serious. If there's going to be a "tidal wave of drama" as you so eloquently put it," he said dryly, "I'd like to get out ahead of it."

Eve sighed and inwardly cursed herself for saying anything in the first place.

"I should've just held my tongue," she lamented aloud, "and avoided this inquisition."

He took her hands and sighed deeply,

"I'm just asking you to please tell me what's going on."

"Okay," Eve said with an equally deep sigh, "but it's an image you'll have burned into your brain for all of eternity."

"Well now I definitely must to know," Zayne teased with a small grin.

Eve attempted to return his smile and dove right in.

"Over the weekend, after we got back from the Lake party, I came up to use the bathroom before we all watched the sunrise."

"I remember," Zayne confirmed, nodding.

"I came up to the lodge quietly, knowing there could be someone crashed up here, and I walked in on Charlie and Thea doing the no pants dance in the laundry room."

Zayne was silent for a beat before giving her hands a triumphant shake,

"I knew it! I've been onto them for weeks, but I didn't have enough proof."

Eve cocked her head,

"There's your proof."

"And they had no idea that you saw them?"

"Nope," Eve confirmed, "Thea was clueless until about 5 minutes ago."

Despite her initial trepidation at the idea of sharing her secret, Eve felt inexplicably lighter coming clean.

Zayne let go of her hands and tugged at his braid,

"Which means Charlie will be brought into the loop immediately if not sooner."

"Probably, Thea looked like she was going to pee her pants."

"Because she knows she's finally been caught," Zayne said sourly.

Eve turned her head toward the ever-rising volume outside the door.

"We need to get out there before the kids get too restless. Pick this conversation up later?"

Zayne quickly pecked her on the lips and smiled,


He didn't waste any more time before grabbing his keys and clipping his radio to his hip, motioning Eve to follow as he opened the door. Hundreds of excited camper voices immediately assaulted Eve's ears and she had to resist the urge to cover them. Zayne shot her a quick wink, jogging up to the front of the lodge ready to get the party started, and felt herself flush slightly at the cute gesture. Naturally, this little exchange was much to the amusement of Ellison's cabin. Pig tails and her posse were seated in direct sight of Eve and Zayne exiting his room together and his saucy little wink.

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