Ch. 29 - Negotiations

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"Holy shit," Ellison hissed, toppling over the pile of tee shirts she'd been in the process of folding when Eve dropped the bomb, "ya big slut, good for you!"

Eve tossed a stuffed bear wearing a bright yellow Camp Wabanaki shirt at her sister's head and clicked her tongue,

"Please be serious, Ellie. I'm in huge trouble here."

Ellison picked up the bear and sat it to the side.

"I don't see the trouble," she replied reasonably. 

The sisters were both on the camp store afternoon shift and, lucky for them, Wednesday was new merchandise day. They'd been combing through boxes of new tee shirts and stuffed animals for the better part of an hour, all the while Eve's secret was burning a hole behind her lips. Finally it was too much to keep in and she spilled some vague details about her unexpected encounter with Zayne.

Ellison had snorted at her wording,

"Unexpected my ass. You've had chemistry with Zayne since the beginning." 

Eve couldn't really deny that fact. At least, not any longer.

Ellison righted the pile of shirts she'd up-ended in surprise and watched her sister thoughtfully.

"So you spent the night in his room," she reiterated, "but nothing happened?"

"Exactly. I mean we definitely made out," Eve flushed, "but there wasn't any making purple."

"Well why the hell not?"

"Ellison!" Eve chastised, turning several shades redder than her sunburn.

"What? He's hot and I can't imagine your night was very, uh, chaste," she said with an eyebrow wiggle, "I'm baffled!"

Eve took a calming breath and turned to face her sister squarely,

"First of all, I have something called self control," she said.

"Liar..." her inner voice sneered.

"Second of all," she continued, ignoring the guilt in the pit of her stomach, "I would rather not get a reputation around here, if you know what I mean."

Ellison shrunk back at her words,

"Do you seriously think I'd tell Thea about this?"

Eve furrowed her brow in surprise.

"What? No! That is absolutely not what I was saying," she sputtered, "I just meant that last week people were expecting Maverick and I to end up together and this week I end up sleeping in Zayne's bed. That's not how I roll and you know it."

"I know that," Ellison said quietly, "and screw anyone who doesn't believe you."

Eve returned to her task of unpacking stuffed animals, albeit somewhat dejectedly.

"I haven't even had time to process what this means or how I feel about it."

Ellison nodded,

"I can understand that. Are you concerned about Auden at all?"

Eve paused for a moment,

"No," she said slowly, "Auden and Greyson are definitely dating and it seems like the torch she carried for Zayne has gone out. I'm obviously planning on telling her, of course, but I don't think she'll be upset. Weirded out, maybe, but not upset."

Eve soon found out that she'd taken the words right out of Auden's mouth when she pulled her into the staff bathroom right before dinner for a brief confession session.

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