Chapter 54

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After dinner that night, Nila ran over to the living room, followed by the four adults.

"Veena baby!" She squealed as she sat down on the floor and tickled the kitten's belly.

The kitten purred in content.

Nila noticed the new black-lacquered grand piano at the corner of the living room and stared at it in wonder. "Wow! Papa have piano in Papa's home! When did Papa buy piano?"

"Papa didn't buy it. You remember the Grandma and Grandpa at the café? They gave it to us as a gift."

Shiva and Shalini noticed the piano and walked over to it.

"They gave such a grand piano as a gift?" asked Shalini in disbelief.

"Anu plays the piano very well so they gave it for her since they don't use it anymore."

"Wow, that's nice. So it will be here till Anu finds another place, I guess?" Shiva glanced at Anuradha and Narain.

Anuradha just smiled a bit in agreement but did not respond. I don't really want to leave.

"Yeah, I guess." Narain averted his gaze. I don't want her to leave.

"Mama or Papa play something on the piano please?" requested Nila.

Anuradha hesitated and glanced at Narain.

"You play something, Anu." Narain glanced at her and gestured towards the piano.

Shiva glanced at Anuradha and added, "Yeah, come on, Anu, play something for us."

As Shalini's eyes urged her to go ahead, Anuradha stepped over and seated herself at the piano.

Feeling slightly self-conscious, she played a few notes, gathering her calm, before letting the music ease into her best composition. The poem Narain had played at the elderly couple's golden anniversary party.

The lovely flowing music was tattooed on her very soul; it was one poem she could play anywhere at any time. It eased her nerves and brought a smile to her face naturally. She closed her eyes for a brief moment, letting herself get absorbed in the music while her fingers ran gently along the keys of the piano.

As she brought the piece to an end, her fingers lingered on the keys and she opened her eyes. She glanced to the floor on her right where the four others in the room had been standing and listening to her music.

"Wow, I love it, Mama!" exclaimed Nila, hugging Anuradha from the side.

Anuradha hugged her back with a smile before glancing up at her friends.

"It was great. It was beautiful, Anu!" Shiva clapped his hands, applauding her recital.

"As always," added Shalini, with a smile and twinkling eyes.

A smile beamed on Anuradha's face. She cast her eyes downwards before shifting it to Narain's feet on their left.

"Really beautiful."

His words slowly raised her gaze up to his face and she saw something that made her feel more beautiful than the music she had played.

Love. Pure love. It was clearly etched in his eyes. So much love, so deep and evident. Like a dream come true.

Her face glowed in his love. She stared at him, finding it hard to believe that she was truly witnessing love for her in his eyes. She felt the corners of her eyes sting as moisture seeped into her eyes.

Narain hadn't realized that he had been staring at her until she had looked up at him and met his gaze. He wanted to look away instantly. But what he saw staggered him before he could. Captivating his gaze, her glistening eyes held the confession of her pure love and drowned him in its inexhaustible depth.

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