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Copyright © 2017 by fixof99

All rights reserved.


In the darkness of the room, where the sun cannot shine is where I stood.

It had always been a beautiful sight to see how a dark room creates so many emotions to one person. I have been there to witness that. Sometimes, it is all too much for someone, sometimes nothing happens. And sometimes, it is aesthetic.

The room has many things in it. You see what you want to see. I hope you see what you need.

There was a long pause.

"That's all." The girl announced suddenly, breaking off the silence when everyone kept looking at her thinking she was going to say more.

The teacher who was also listening and watching her, abruptly sat up from his desk and clapped his hands.

"Okay, Thank you, Sage. Now can you please give the explanation for that?"

Sage was the name of the girl, standing in front of the class holding the paper she just read.

She was suddenly caught off guard. She thought it was an only read-in-front-assignment.

"I, uh, think it was someone describing his or her emotions when he or she was in a dark place." She answered and the teacher, Mr. Miller, only stared at her with no clear emotion in his face.

She wasn't sure if he was satisfied or not.

Thoughts about choosing a familiar poem that she could have explained well slipped her mind. But then again, in the first place, she knew why she chose what she had read.

The teacher rubbed his chin. "Where did you find that? Was that an excerpt?"

Sage tried to say something but she don't really know how to explain without looking any dumber than she had been already. "I think. It's a torn page I found."

The whole class was murmuring and looking at her with interest.

"Everyone be quiet," He announced and turn his attention back to Sage, "Why did you picked that one?"

"I was simply intrigued, I guess." She honestly to give herself some justice.

Mr. Miller fixed his glasses then ushered Sage to sit back down.

"That would be enough for today. We'll continue tomorrow."

Sage let out a sigh of relief that she didn't she realized she had been holding.

She slid her notes inside her bag as fast as she could so she can follow suit after her classmates who were already starting to go out of the classroom.

"Sage, can you stay for a minute?"

Sage looked up and saw the same face of Mr. Miller looking back at her but now sitting on his chair.

She was sure he was going to ask about it again. "Yes. What is it, Mr. Miller?"

He removed his glasses and leaned back. "That excerpt you just read was quite interesting."

Sage knew it but she had not expected what he had said next.

She couldn't help but smile, suddenly feeling very lucky she had found that paper.

"Thank you. I found it at Wendy's." She couldn't help but tell.

The teacher who had on a neutral face, suddenly raised his eyebrows while hearing Sage's statement.

"Really? Wow." He muttered incredulously to himself.

"I thought that too. I found it last Saturday. It was taped under one of the booth's table." She said, "I think it must have been there for a long time now."

The teacher was in deep thought when she finished off her sentence.

She saw the look on his face-- he too was curious.

"So that explained why you chose that. If I was in your position I would have done that too. Can I see the paper?"

Sage nodded and grabbed the paper from her bag and gave it to him.

He took a look at it. There were no clear emotions on his face except excitement that is. He handed it back after a while.

"Have you tried searching it up or something?"

She didn't have the time to do it. "No, I was a little occupied at home."

Mr. Miller only nodded then stared off into space.

"You are a senior now right?" He said after a little while. His question was completely out of the subject.

Sage didn't know where it had suddenly come from but nodded nonetheless.

"What do you want to take up?"

She did not hesitated, "Fine Arts."

Arts has always been close to her heart.

"Have you applied to some colleges already?"

"Not yet," She tried to think of a way to ask him about his sudden interest about her college plans without sounding rude but Mr. Miller beat her to it.

"That settles it then." He clapped his hands then took a small paper and pen from his table and started writing from it.

Sage is just there awkwardly standing and confused.

She coughed trying to get the man in his early thirties, she calls teacher, his attention.

It took two fake coughs before she finally got Mr. Miller's attention.

"Okay Sage, this is my assignment for you."

"What do you mean sir?" She was very confused now.

"I'll help you get in a decent university," The man continued, "But you have to find pieces of information or anything connected on that excerpt."

Sage's eyes widened from what she was hearing. "Really?"

The teacher stared at her, "Yes. A good college for Fine Arts. Now, what do you say?"

Sage paused that was too much to take in all at once.

She really needed to get it in a really good college and she knew how good of an opportunity Mr. Miller was offering her, but at the same time, she herself had zero information about the paper.

"Can I think about it first?"

Mr. Miller nodded, "You come back here on Friday with an answer."

Sage nodded once again but was still unsure on what to say or do.

"You can go now to your next class, Sage." He said and gave her a late pass.

"Thank you, Sir." She muttered giving him a smile.

"No, thank my strong interest for Literature for making me do what I just did."

AN: What do you think? I need feedbacks it'll help a lot please comment it down. Thank you. :)

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