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"By the way is this Mr. Miller an old dude?"

Lane had uttered out loud as they walked in the same pace towards the entrance of the school's gate.

Sage immediately turned towards him and gave him an odd look. "No, he's in his forties I guess."


He noticed the way she was staring at him causing him to raise his hands defensively, "Hey, I was just asking because it's really odd you know."

"And why is it odd?" She sarcastically replied.

Lane doesn't know if she was just messing with him or if she was really oblivious to the whole thing.

"Why is he interested on the paper? And why would he help you get into college just for that paper? That's odd." He stared waiting for her reaction but instead of answering him she just huffed out.

"I know I'm not an idiot. This is also the reason why I wouldn't want to tell you-"

"Because, I always ruin your fantasy and tell you the harsh truths?" Lane cut her off.

"Come on, Lane. Don't be like that."

"I'm not!"

"You know what I will come with you." He said after a while then grabbed Sage's hand leaving her dumfounded before his words registered fully.


"Yes?" He looked at her innocently and smirking as he did so.

"I know you're worried about me but trust me. I am having a good feeling about this. And I know Mr. Miller is a good guy."

He didn't listen and went with her inside the school's gate.

"Hey, you're not a student here. You're tresspassing dude." She argued and stopped him.

Lane dismissed it and ushered her to continue walking. And so they did until they reached Mr. Miller's office.

By now, the school had already emptied. There were some students in the halls but aside from it, it had became a ghost town since it was past the school hour.

"Go knock now woman."

Sage could only gave him a sneer but did as she was told.

There was a faint 'come in' from the other side of the door.

She straightened her clothes and held the door's knob but Lane beat her to it.

The doofus went inside first. Sage's eyes could only stare at his back. She was ready to grab him but Mr. Miller had already seen the two.

He looked at them both then back at Lane and gave him a questioning look.

Lane raised his hands, "I'm only here to support her." He said pointing at Sage.

Sage wanted to facepalm but gave Mr. Miller a sheepish smile instead.

"If it's okay sir? He wanted to meet you."

The teacher raised his brows looking at the two amusely. "I thought you wouldn't tell anyone about my proposal."

Before Lane could even reply a smart-ass answer Sage pinched his arm and smiled at Mr. Miller.

"I know sir and I'm sorry but I couldn't help it because I have no idea about the paper and it was really stressing me out so I have to tell my friend." She smiled at him sheepishly and bowed her head in slight shame.

It was somewhat the truth. She really told Lane because the paper was driving her nuts and she couldn't take keeping something from him anymore.

"But don't worry, sir. I won't tell a single soul about this. I just wanna see the kind of man in person that wants to help her." It was Lane's turn to speak giving Mr. Miller a small smile.

Sage knew that that even though it sounded sincere she knew that it was filled with sarcasm. She gave Lane a look then turned away from him.

Mr. Miller only nodded, "So did you get any piece of information on the paper?"

"Sadly no, sir. I really tried and I also went back to Jollibee but I really couldn't seem to find anything about it."

He stared at his student and saw the sincerity in her face. He couldn't help but think thay maybe it was too hard.

"Did you went to any library in the town?"

Then Sage as if a light bulb was turned inside her mind glimmed in both shock and agreement.

"I totally forgot." She replied, "Sir can you please give me more time?" She asked him pulling her fingernails nervously.

Mr. Miller nodded, "Let's see." He scratched his chin, "Next week same day, friday. Will that be enough?"

"Yes, Sir." She said immediately and happily.

An hour later

The two were sitting inside the studio room after cleaning out and sweeping the floor.

"It's still odd you know." Lane broke off the silence staring at the chicken wings he's holding.

"The wings?" Sage asked jokingly.

He laughed. "You know what I mean."

"I don't know, Lane. I am just happy to not lose that opportunity." She said then stared at the old ceiling smiling.

Lane examined his friend. She did really look happy. And who was he to ruin it?

"I'll support you on that mission or whatever you call it. As long as you don't hide anything from me again, okay?"

She turned her smile at him. "Thanks. It means a lot."

"No problemó. So about the library thing?"

She stood up suddenly and faced him. "Here's the plan; We go there tomorrow--"

"What?!" Lane looked at her like she had grown two heads.


"I will not go inside a library."

She rolled her eyes, "You're so cliché, Lane. You already said you'll support me. Tagging along to where I will go is part of it you know."

He sighed and muttered something under his breath.

"What did you say?" Sage asked as she grabbed another chicken wing in the almost empty bucket.

"I said I'm excited."

Sage laughed at his sarcastic reply and they continued munching silently never realizing that the old art studio was becoming their safe home.

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