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He stared at her—every emotion visible upon her very face.

Sage viewed the room in front of them. It was dark but she noticed the features of the things in front of them and God did it took everything from her willpower not to jump and squeal and ruin everything.

It was what she had dreamed of ever since she was in ninth grade—a beautiful art studio.

It was old and dusty with old brushes with dried paints cluttered all around making it even more realistic than it was a second before. Sage knew she was in safe haven.

She took a glance at Lane and saw that he was already looking back at her with a grin on his face.

"Thank you." She said with a smile then reverted her attention back a the room.

Lane knew Sage would be happy and he was right.

"My Aunt had this friend when they were in high school who really liked art and they were close so she let her friend occupy her things here," He stated.

"Mom said it became the second home of Auntie and her friend."

Sage nodded and sat next to him on the ground. They were both silent, knees sprawled out staring at the room.

"She wants me to clean this room." He blurted after a little while.

Sage swiftly turned her head at his statement, "Oh, well at least I've seen such nice beauty before it's taken down."

Lane didn't miss the disappointment lacing on her tone. "I'm not done speaking, woman."

"But it will not be used for the next three months." He added.

She gave him a curious glance. "So?"

"You can be here. I can be here. We can hang out here." He replied giving her cheek a flick.

"But when will you clean this up?" She took another look at the room, "This will probably take a lot of time to clean, Lane."

He nodded. He had thought this through before telling her after all. "I know and you're going to help. That's your payment for hanging around here."

After his words were uttered Sage's hopes immediately sprung back up. "Okay, deal." She grinned at him and gave him a hug.

"I swear I'm not emotional." She said and Lane chuckled hugging her back.


"So?" She repeated after they broke off their hug.

"What you want to do with this place now?"

She knew everything in this place was perfect already, "I don't want to change anything here. I just want to add a little thing to it."

"Want to do the honors?"

Before Sage could even say anything, he got up and went to the other side of the room where a bunch of stuff is piled in. He bent down grabbing something under before producing a very old paint can and stiff brushes.

The sight made her laugh. "What are you doing?

Lane rolled his eyes before clearing down a table and setting down the paint.

He handed the other brush to Sage as he tried opening the can.

Still laughing Sage watched him and finally, he did open the old paint and took a peek inside—it was a green paint that looked almost solid.

"This will still do its job." Lane said before dipping his own brush inside.

Sage was hesitant but followed, "Now what?"

Lane pointed at the wall. "Write your name there."

"Are we not going to get in trouble if we do?"

"Not until my aunt finds out," Lane replied, then green coated brush made contact with the wall.


He nudged Sage and she immediately did the same thing.

"See?" Lane said after, "We are such good artists!"

Sage chuckled, "Right," then an idea slipped inside her head.

She took Lane's right hand and started coating his palm with the same paint then extended hers to him and asked him to do the same thing to her.

"Now spat it on the wall next to your name Lane."

She watched him with a grin.

"I feel happy."

"Me too."

Sage knew that this simple thing they had done was going to be treasured by her forever. "Our first art." She uttered still looking at it.

Lane side-hugged her and ever so silently said, "From now on until the end of three months this studio will be named Green Hands."

The name didn't sound pleasing but both were satisfied and contented.


The sun was setting down and the familiar color of the early night entered Sage's line of vision as she strutted her way home whistling as she did so.

The paint on her left palm had dried out and she looked at it with a smile.

Lane is a good friend to her but she couldn't help but think of how horrible she was to him.

She still hadn't told him about the talk she had with Mr. Miller after all and it had been eating her as she continued to think about it.

But alas, as she closes off to the familiar fast food restaurant, she remembered as to why she hasn't told him still. And she planned to keep it from him until she makes her decision.

Sage went inside the restaurant she and Lane had gone off to last week and immediately glanced at the table where they had found the paper.

A family was sitting there happily munching their food.

She glanced away and surveyed the other people inside before a thought slipped her mind.

what will she do now?

She was here, at the same place she found the paper, but she didn't really know what to do next.

Where will she start looking? Should she bend down on each table and start looking?

"This is hard," Sage muttered before stepping out of the restaurant.

She stood for a moment outside then started walking away. She didn't want to end this day with a shift of emotions so she went home instead.

I'm sorry for the delay but I hope you like it! Give your thoughts x

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