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    Sage had woken up from a loud thud coming from one of the upstairs room. She hastily sprung up while eyeing her surroundings. She had fallen asleep once again on the living room couch. She thought.

She trudged upstairs and went directly to her Mother's room. Sage knocked three times and waited.

"What?" Came the gruff reply from her mother inside.

"What happened? Are you okay? I heard a loud--" She didn't have the chance to finish because the door had abruptly opened in front of her face.

"Why are you so loud? It's still early and I have a throbbing headache for fuck's sake." Her Mom angrily spat out, with her hand on her hips and the other on her head, massaging it.

"I was worried, Mom." She replied letting go of the hurtful words her Mother had said.

"Don't you have school?"

Sage looked at her. "Yes, but I still have--"

"Then leave."


"Why are you here?"


"Don't you have school today?"

"It's very windy here."

"I know. Why are you here?"

Sage laughed. "I'm starting to hate school too."

Lane frowned at her reply. He had been helping out some men with their boats when he saw Sage with her school bag walking towards the docks and then towards him.

"You hungry?" He asked instead.

"No, but I can accompany you while you eat."

"Wait." He replied and Sage watched as he walked to an older man who was currently tying his boat then after a while went back to her with a huge smile.

"That was Mr. Porto he agreed." Lane said then started walking away from her.

She was confused. "Agreed to what?"

"That I'd help him next time because you just got your period and you need my help."

After hearing what he said her eyes immediately widened and face beet red.

"Oh no, you did not." She said alarmingly.

"I just did." He smiled again.

She stared at him which was odd. She should be fuming by now.

What she did next was even odder. Lane had thought.

She marched up to the same old man even though she didn't know him and whispered something to him. Lane could only stand there clueless to what was happening.

"Boy!" Yelled Mr. Porto at him after a while and ushered him to come closer while Sage was grinning beside him.

"She didn't have to tell me the details of how good you are at changing pads but she just did." The old man laughed and grimaced at the same time. "Go now, you still have duties." Then pushed them away.

It was Lane's turn to blush.

Sage was laughing and dragging him away from the docks.

"So," She started after recovering from laughing too much.

"Okay, I admit it was okay."

"You just got played by your own game, Lane."

He had been embarrassed but it was his fault after all for making that lie.

"Let's just eat." Was his reply.


"Thank you for that, by the way," Sage had broke off the silence while they were munching their food inside the old studio.

"About what?" Lane asked as he bit into his meal.

"I know you didn't told him about my period." Sage said giving him a flick on the cheek.

Lane's mouth was still full of food that he can't speak immediately so he just raised his brows at her.

"You told Mr. Porto that you will take a day off because you knew I needed to talk--"

"He told you?"

Sage nodded. "I told him about your cover up and so he tease you about the period." She laughed.

"I can't just let you watch me all day while I help with the boats." Lane replied giving her a small glance.

"By the way do you work there?"

He shrugged. "Not really. I have nothing better to do and I stay at the docks all day so why not help, right?"

"A samaritan! We have a good samaritan here!" She woo-ed raising her hands in the air.

"Just tell me." Lane glanced at her and she glanced back at him.

"What I wanted to say all along Lane, is that you're a very good friend," she said before giving him a hug. Luckily he had put the food down before Sage had tackled him.

"I don't deserve you." She whispered closing her eyes.

"Sage," He said getting her off him and stared at her in the face.

Sage noticed it. He was looking at her like she was special. But she was not. She thought.

She squeezed his cheeks instead and let out a huge laughter. "Lane, do you want to hear my pathetic story or not?"

Lane was suddenly pushed out from his reverie. Shaking his head, he settled back beside her again but this time shutting out his feelings.

"It's not pathetic."

Sage did not listen. "Woke up this morning because I heard a loud sound and it was my mother,"

"She fell from her bed." She finished and let out another laughter but Lane knew that this time it was forced.

"She got so mad that I went to check up on her. I was just worried." She sighed.

Sage stared at his face and she knew well that Lane thinks that she had overreacted.

"I know. I shouldn't have skipped classes but I think I deserve this. I deserve things like this once in a while."

Lane stood up, "Let's buy paint?"


"Come on. You deserve this. You deserve to stop caring once in a while. You deserve a break. I'm giving you what you deserve even if it's just today. So you want to buy paint or not?"

Sage scanned him and dramatically took a stepped back, "Whoa! When did you become as dramatic as me?"

"Really, Sage?" He said folding his arms giving her a look.

She immediately hugged him. "Kidding. Thank you so much." For the second time today, she hugged him tightly and he reciprocated hugging her back.

I deserve to feel something this good even once in a while. She thought letting herself believe that she deserve good things too.


Another year guys. Another hope. Another opportunities. May this year be filled with nothing but happiness.

I promise to get back.


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