Chapter 1

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I'M FINE. TOTALLY FINE. Okay I'm not and I don't even know how this is going to turn out I might make this a mini series cause what happened cannot be solved with a one shot.

Disclaimer: I do not own Scorpion, CBS does.

She had been sitting on the couch for who knows how long. When they got home Ralph was with her but after a while she sent him to bed. The second he closed his door she broke down, she cried for a while until her eyes had nothing left to poor out. How did this go all wrong? How did this happen? After that one night when they danced she felt close. She felt like her and Walter could finally be together. The three of them could finally be a real family. Even right before he told her she was done at Scorpion, she thought he was okay. She thought they would be okay. Turns out in the romance department she doesn't really have any luck. She's been fired from jobs before, but this time is different. She knew when she started falling for Walter that this could happen if something went wrong in their relationship, but she thought he was falling for her as well so she never imagined it actually happening. She realized she was dehydrated and she needed water. But the second she stood up she had to sit right back down because she was too dehydrated. It couldn't be over; this couldn't be the end of their story. She had to do something. Paige stood up once more this time determined to get some fluids in her. She drank lots of water build up the courage to go over there, grabbed her keys, left Ralph a note saying she'd be back soon and went to her car. She drove their as quick as she could, not even bothering fixing her makeup. Paige knew deep down that he wasn't ready to talk, but she needed to. Luckily she still had her key to the garage so she got in without failure. She found him sitting on the couch with his head in his hands crying. He barely looked up when he heard the door, but somehow still knew it was her.

"I'm not in the mood to talk Paige." He said quietly.

"Fine don't talk, just listen to what I have to say and then I'll leave but I have things to say first." She said moving closer to the couch but not sitting down. She grabbed a chair and moved it closer to spot on the couch where he was sitting. "Okay so I need to explain. I understand that you are disappointed that I didn't tell you what happened, I get that I would feel the same way if I were in your position. But obviously I'm not in your position. Now Walter I know you think that I lied when I told you I loved you but I need you to know something, I didn't lie. You can't lie about those kinds of things. And I also know that with the state you were in, you were incapable of lying. Walter I didn't tell you because Toby said that you wouldn't be able to handle it, and maybe at the time he was right. But I know you and I should have told you. I-It's just these past few weeks we've gotten so close a-and I really thought we were getting a second chance and that's when I should have told you. You shouldn't have found out in the way you did. B-but I was s-scared, scared I was going to loose you, scared I was going to loose us, what we have. I don't want to loose this, because Walter I can't loose you, and that's why it hurts because you mean the world to me and loosing you is a pain I can't deal with. Loosing this job is the one place Ralph and I felt like we had a family. So Walter I understand that you need time to process this, and when you have had enough time let me know." Paige said crying again.

"Paige you say you understand b-but I don't think you do. Y-you don't understand what it feels like to be betrayed by the only people you have ever been comfortable with, and by the only person you have ever loved. A-and you don't understand what it's like when that person you love flaunts their boyfriend in front of your face. Flaunts the person that you will never be. Because I'm not Tim or Drew and I'll never be those guys. But now, knowing that this whole time you were with Tim you knew that I loved you, because like you said I was incapable of lying in that state, and this whole time you knew and you still flaunted him around. Until then I had no idea what a broken heart felt like. I've never had to deal with this before and I don't know how. I just need to think." He said looking back down at his hands. Paige nodded, got up and left the garage. She didn't get into her car though; she did the same thing as when her and Walter kissed for the first time. She closed the door and slouched against it. She fell down to the floor and started crying, again.


She was gone because he pushed her out. She wasn't coming back, even though she said she meant it. He sent Cabe a text saying to tell everyone not to come in tomorrow, and then he cried again. He'd never cried this much in his life, he'd never hurt this much in his life, if it weren't for that first day in the diner where he met her, he wouldn't be hurting this much. He'd fallen for her; he'd fallen for her hard.

Yeah I don't know how I feel about this, you guys have to tell me if you want me to continue cause I don't know if I will.

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