~Toy Freddy x Reader {Part 2}~

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~3rd Person's POV~
At the door stood Toy Freddy. Your heart started to thump a million miles per hour in your chest. "Oh my God I'm gonna die from embarrassment..." You thought

"H-Hey (y/n)..." He finally said with his cheeks heated.

"H-Hey Fred... W-What are you doing here?"

"I came to tell you guys the food's up front." He answered shyly staring down at his feet to avoid your outfit.


"Jesus on a stick-- Why don't you two just kiss already?" Toy Chica groaned in the background. (Don't ask what Jesus on a stick means lmao)

"If I wasn't so stunned, I would."

His comment made your cheeks turn brighter than before.

"Yeah they would make such a cute couple!" Mangle squealed.

"Matter of fact-- Why don't you two have a minute to yourselves while we go and get some food?" Chica suggested with a smirk.

"N-No I--" You were about to object until Toy Chica grew a big smirk as well.

"Cmon let's go." Mangle hopped off the bed with Chica and went out the door, Toy Chica following suite.

"Don't have too much fun on my bed." She giggled and closed the door behind her.

"So why are you in that? N-Not that I'm complaining." He smiled making you melt under his gaze.

"C-Chici made us wear these outfits."

"I'm glad she came up with that idea."

Your legs felt like they were going to collapse, so you laid on the bed and stared at the ceiling to avoid his eyes. He came over and got on top of you. "W-What are you d-doing???" You stuttered trying to writhe from under him.

"I can't help it, I'd be stupid to pass this chance. I-I love you (y/n)."

Your cheeks flared up when he put his lips to yours. He easily slid his tongue in your mouth and explored every spot. You finally snapped out of what seemed like a dream and kissed him back. His hands roamed around making you burn hotter with each touch. He finally pulled away and smiled brightly like he went to heaven.

"I-I love you too. I didn't know you felt the same..."

"I can't help but think of you, especially after seeing you like this. You're beautiful (y/n). Never hide your beauty from me..." He smiled and scattered kisses on your jawline, making you moan lightly.

All of a sudden the door swung open making you both freeze.

"Aww..." Chica cooed walking in

"Yay they're together now!" Mangle cooed.

"See I told you it would work!" Toy Chica gloated grinning at you.

"We'll f-finish this later (y/n)." He smiled and got off of you.

Now there's nothing but cold air consuming you. Missing his warming embrace. "R-Right..." You whispered.

"Bye guys." He took one last glance at you then left.

"So (y/n)... Did something happen-- or did we interrupt?" Chica asked grinning widely.

"Of course you interrupted." You deadpanned.

"Good, because I'd rather not find juices in my bed-- eww." She playfully rolled her eyes.

"W-Well I'm hungry! What kind of food did they bring?" You asked changing the subject.

"They have pizza! My favorite!" Chica answered.

"They brought Chinese Food!" Mangle smiled.

"And they have a couple different other foods." Toy Chica got back up and headed towards the door with the others.

"Wha--- Haven't you guys eaten already?" You asked confused.

"No, we didn't eat anything. I just came up with an excuse so you guys could be left alone." Toy Chica smirked.

"She can be the biggest troll sometimes I swear..." You thought frowning at her.

"Don't give me that look either-- I know you enjoyed it." She added leading all of you down the hall to the front.

"Okay you're r-right. I really d-did." You admitted with a smile growing on your face. Once you made it to the front, your mouth started watering when you saw your favorite foods lying on the table. "Yes my favorites!" You squealed and grabbed a plate, getting some of everything. "Who bought my favorites?" You asked.

"Fred got all the food. We just tagged along and helped." Toy Bonnie answered with a wide grin.

"Thank you guys! T-Thank you so much Fred." You blushed.

"Anything for you." Toy Freddy smiled and took a seat in the chair beside you.

Oh that smile will be the death of you.
You continued smiling and enjoyed the rest of the day with all your friends.

It all seemed surreal.

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