~Golden Freddy x Reader~

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~Author's Note~
Someone on Quotev asked if I would make a chapter with Golden Freddy, and I will! Don't know why I forgot him in the first place, he's one of my favorites. Anyways, onto the story Reader-Chan~ (Btw follow me on Quotev Cassiopeia8672)

~3rd Person's POV~
It was a peaceful evening, and you were going back and forth through the house trying to make sure you're ready to go to work. Finally after assuring yourself you got everything, you locked your house and left.
(Insert Transportation Here)

~At the Restaurant~
"Hey guys!" You announced entering the building and securing the door behind you.

"Hey (y/n)!" Toy Freddy replied.

"Yess I'm so glad you're here-- These morons were driving me crazy!" Toy Chica huffed.

"Maybe cause that's you're an annoying skank---"

"OKAY let's not start calling names Bon! Matter of fact, I'm not hanging out with y'all until you stop fighting." You facepalmed.

"B-But I didn't even do anything..." Toy Freddy mumbled and watched as you walked away. "Look at what you two done." He looked at Toy Chica and Toy Bonnie frowning.

"But she started it--!" Toy Bonnie argued.

"Nooo he started it!" Toy Chica argued back.

"Oh my God I swear y'all act like kids sometimes." Toy Freddy sighed and rolled his eyes.

~At the Office~
Making it to the office, you got settled like usual and pulled up the tablet.
"Oh Lord they still fighting." You frowned at the screen watching Toy Chica and Toy Bonnie exclaiming to each other with steam practically coming out their ears. You couldn't hear what they were saying, but you knew it wasn't anything nice. Toy Freddy was on the stage sitting with his head in his hands.

"Welp looks like they aren't gonna stop any time soon." You shook your head and put the tablet down. Looking down the hall you froze realizing something was there. A floating Freddy Head slowly coming towards you. Your eyes went wide and you screamed louder than you ever had. "AHHHHH!"

~Back at the Front~
"Was that (y/n)?!?" Toy Chica asked scared.

"Oh God what happened?!" Toy Bonnie panicked.

Toy Freddy jumped off the stage and ran down the hall with the others behind him.

~Back in the Office~
"(Y/n)?! Where are you?!" Toy Freddy yelled concerned after you were nowhere in sight.

"Oh God I hope she's okay..." Toy Chica started tearing up as well as Toy Bonnie.

"This is all our fault-- We could've been here with her." Toy Bonnie's ears drooped.

"G-Guys I'm okay.." You came from under the desk and started crying.

"You're okay!" Toy Chica and Toy Bonnie ran to you immediately and crushed you in a hug.

"I-I saw a head floating down the h-hall towards me." You wiped the tears from your face not noticing the funny looks they gave you.

"You wha-- what???" Toy Freddy questioned.

"Are you on lean or something??" Toy Chica questions.

"N-No! I legit saw it!" You replied and frowned.

"What?" Toy Bonnie asked.

"I-It was like Freddy's head-- but it wasn't brown like him. It was golden." You replied and refused to look down the hall.

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