~Shadow Bonnie x Reader~

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~3rd Person's POV~
It's currently closing time, and you've been at the restaurant all day. Since the boss didn't have a day or night guard at the moment, you had to take both shifts until there's a replacement.

"Phew thank goodness the show's over. I don't think I could sing another song." Toy Chica sighed and put away her cupcake.

"Oof you're telling me!" Toy Bonnie agreed.

"I'm glad I don't have to hear dozens of children screaming anymore-- I thought I was gonna lose my hearing." Toy Freddy cringed.

"I'm glad it's all over, I'm so tired." You yawned stretching. "Sadly I need to stay for the night shift too."

"You can take a nap in the employees room if you want, we won't tell." Toy Freddy replied.

"Why didn't I think of that?" You giggled. "Can you guys please wake me up a bit before 6am?" You asked. "I want to be fully awake before the day shift start."

"Chici should do it, she makes a great alarm! Loud and annoying." Toy Bonnie snickered

"What did you say... Punk?" She poked him on the chest and narrowed her eyes at him. (SpongeBob band geeks episode lol)

"A'ight don't you guys be fighting while I'm asleep!" You laughed and went down the hall to the employees room.

Getting settled on the couch, you stared at the ceiling awhile until sleep took over. During your sleep, you suddenly started having a dream that seemed too real. In your dream, a weird shadow version of Toy Bonnie appeared in front of you from nowhere. It never spoke, but just stared. While you're frozen in fear, it launched at you, making you jolt awake. You looked around the room to make sure nothing was there. "O-Oh-- It was a dream... Or nightmare..." You mumbled to yourself and wiped the sweat off of your forehead. Looking at the clock, you realize it's 3:12 in the morning.

"(Y/n)" An unknown voice spoke.

You quickly turned your head around the room to see nothing. "W-Who's there?!" You asked and continued to look around. You never got an answer to your question, so you jumped off the couch and ran to the door, but something pulled you back and you screamed.

"I-I don't want you to leave yet." It said.

"O-Okay who are you? Where are you?" You asked and sat on the couch quivering in fear.

"I'm Shadow Bonnie, and I've been wanting to see you, but was too shy." It answered and finally formed in front of you.

"Y-You were the one in my sleep!" You quivered in fear.

"Please don't be scared of me... I just scared you so you'd wake up..." It replied and then there was a bright flash of light.

"W-What??? How did you do that?" You asked shocked. It transformed into a human like the other animatronics.

"To be honest, it's something I'll never figure out." He shrugged and sat beside you on the couch. "Anyways, I'm sorry I scared you, but it's the only thing I could do... I really wanted to get to know you. I never had the chance until now..."

"Oh. W-Well my name's (y/n). Nice to meet you." You shyly smiled.

"Nice to meet you." He replied and smiled back.

"I see you finally got the balls to see her." Another unknown voice spoke.

"R-Real funny."

"Who's that??" You asked confused.

"I'm Shadow Freddy." The voice answered as he appeared in human form as well.

"Oh-- Well my name's (y/n)."

"I know who you are, this bozo never stops talking about you." He smirked at Shadow Bonnie.

"I-I do not!" He lied and looked away from you blushing.

"H-He does? How does he know me anyway?" You asked.

"He always be stalkin---omph!" He got cut off by Shadow Bonnie putting his hand over his mouth.

"I-Ignore what h-he just said!" Shadow Bonnie blushed deeply.

"Y-You've been watching me?" You blushed.

"I-I couldn't help it..." He blushed even brighter.

"I-I do think you're interesting, and I would love to be around you more, but I need to get back to sleep. I'm still tired-- and I only have a couple hours of sleep left before work starts..." You mumbled and let out a yawn.

"You're right, I should let you sleep... I'll still be here to get you up." He let go of Shadow Freddy and set back on the couch.

"Good... Don't scare me in my sleep again." You giggled and fell back asleep.

"I won't.." He whispered and laid your head on his shoulder.

After awhile you were in a deep sleep, getting the rest you needed. Shadow Bonnie glared at Shadow Freddy. "I'm gonna kick your a*s next time you snitch on me." He whispered.

"Hey, it looked like you could use some help. Besides, now I can look forward to your wedding." Shadow Freddy replied shrugging.

"I don't need your help thank you very much." He replied sarcastically.

"If you say so."

They both sat there in silence, watching you in a peaceful sleep.

"I don't really want to wake her up..." Shadow Freddy whispered.

"I'm gonna find a way for her to miss the day shift later..."

Shadow Freddy just nodded in silent agreement.

"Sweet dreams, my sleeping beauty..."

~Other's POV~
"It's going to be 6am in 10 minutes-- Someone go wake (y/n) up!" Toy Freddy said.

"I'll do it--!" Toy Bonnie and Toy Chica answered at the same time then looked at each other.

They were about to start arguing about it until Toy Freddy interrupted. "Both of you do it for freakin' sake." He facepalmed.

Both of them hopped off the stage and went to the employees room to wake you up.

"Hey (y/n)! Wake up--" Toy Bonnie peeped his head into the door and froze.

"What's wrong with you?" Toy Chica peeked as well. "Who the hell are you?!" She asked loudly which woke you up instantly.

Shadow Freddy and Shadow Bonnie facepalmed.

"Oh boy."

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