~Freddy x Reader~

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~3rd Person's POV~
It was a bit before 11pm, and you were almost done with your routine.
Finally finishing, you left home for work.
(Insert Transportation Here)

~At the Restaurant~
After you entered the restaurant, you spoke to the toy animatronics as you neared the stage. "Hey y'all!"

"Hey (y/n)!" All of them spoke at the same time.

"I'll be in the office if you guys need me!" You replied and went down the hall. Of course, before you went to the office, you had to stop by the parts and service room to see your other friends.

You knocked on the door. "Hey guys! Open up!"

After hearing footsteps coming to the door, someone opened it for you. "Hey (y/n)!" Freddy instantly pulled you into a kiss, and you kissed back.

"Bruh you can't even wait for her to get in before you kiss her." Bonnie laughed.

You two broke apart and instantly blushed. "I-I was going to the office but wanted to see you guys f-first." You stuttered.

"Oh, well that makes sense." Bonnie replied.

"Hey (y/n)!" Chica saw you standing at the door and smiled.

"H-Hey Chica!" You ran to hug her and she hugged back.

"Great now I lost her. Thanks Bonnie." Freddy said sarcastically and frowned at him. Bonnie just laughed at the sarcasm.

"What's going on-- Oh hey (y/n)!" Foxy appeared.

"Hey Foxy!" You replied. "Okay I need to stop goofing off-- I need to get to the office and get settled. Y'all know where to find me." You left quickly and went to the office.

"Ugh-- Who left the office like this?" You grumbled to yourself and started to clean up the mess.

After awhile you got most of the office clean, except for under the desk. Bending down, you started to grab the mess from underneath. Feeling someone slap you on the behind, you jumped from shock and the trash in your hands went everywhere. "AH." You squealed and quickly turned around blushing. "W-Why did you do that Freddy?!"

"I came in here and couldn't help it." He smirked.

"B-But you made me make a mess!" You started to frown and looked at the trash on the floor.

"O-Oh I'm so sorry! I'm gonna help you clean it up." He frowned and started picking the mess up.

You sighed and started picking up the stuff as well.

"Damn you two got rough in here didn't it? Stahp being nasty!" Toy Chica came in giggling.

"Hey Chici-- N-Nothing happened! Freddy came in here while I was cleaning under the desk and spanked me!" You blushed thinking about it.

"Oh so nothing happened, but something was going to happen. Okay got it!" She smirked.

You facepalmed "Any more dirty jokes I'm gonna scream."

Grabbing the trashcan you proceeded to throw all the trash in, and disposed your gloves. "Phew-- That ended up being difficult." You sighed and sat in the chair.

"Mind leaving now Chici? I would like to speak to (y/n) alone." Freddy asked.

"Fine, I'll go, don't get crazy again." She snickered and left.

You started getting agitated at the jokes, but ignored it. "What you want to say?" You frowned.

"I-I'm sorry I made you make another mess. I wish I could of caught the person that left the office trashed like that in the first place. It should have been spotless for you." He frowned and looked down.

"It's okay Freddy, you didn't mean it." You got up and hugged him.

"I still wish I had of caught the moron that made the mess." He sighed and hugged you back.

You looked up at him and smiled. "I don't even care about that anymore, you were here to help me and that's all that matters." You kissed him and he kissed back.

You pulled away and started blushing. "D-Did you really have to spank me while I was b-bent over?"

"Why, yes. Yes I had too. I couldn't resist." He smirked.

"O-Oh..." You turned even redder as he kissed you again and started to leave trails down your neck.

"I swear you two always have your hands on each other." Toy Bonnie came in the room and interrupted.

"U-Um.." You pulled away and looked at the floor blushing madly.

"Bon... Is that what I think it is?" Freddy asked and narrowed his eyes at him.

Toy Bonnie was confused at first but realized what he was asking. "Yeah-- It's my can of Pringles, What?"

"It's funny, because I saw a couple Pringles Chips while cleaning... Were you in here last night?"

"Um... O-Okay I made the mess--- I swear I was gonna clean it up!" He admitted and started backing up seeing the look on Freddy's face.

"Don't do it Freddy-- He didn't mean it." You wrapped your arms around him to keep him from choking Toy Bonnie.

"Get out of here before I change my mind." He mumbled.

Toy Bonnie took back off down the hall like his life depended on it. Didn't have to ask him twice.

"Thank you for helping Freddy." You smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Y-you're welcome." He blushed. "I'm still gonna whoop his a*s if he litters in your office again." He grumbled and you giggled.

The rest of the night was you and him together.

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