~Toy Chica x Reader~

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~Author's Note~
Toy Chica x Reader is for guys but can be for girls too. No judgment here Reader-Chan~

~3rd Person's POV~
This afternoon, you were doing your usual routine before going to see your friends. Finishing your routine, you left your lovely home. Instead of going straight to the pizzeria, you stopped at a local flower shop and bought red roses.
(Insert Transportation Here)

~At the Restaurant~
Walking through the glass doors you noticed Toy Freddy's the only one in the room.

"Hey Fred! Where'd everybody go?"

"I don't know where Bon went, but Chici's in the kitchen--- That's for her isn't it?" He asked with a smirk on his face​ seeing the roses in your hand.

"Y-Yeah it's for her!" You blushed and went straight to the kitchen. "Hey Doll!" You greeted.

"I-I told you a million times, stop calling me Doll!" She pouted putting a pan of cupcake batter in the oven.

"But I like calling you that!" You insisted.

"O-Okay fine-- whatever floats your boat." She finally gave up and raised an eyebrow seeing your hands behind your back. "What are you hiding?"

"Ta-da!" You smiled revealing the roses.

"Ooo for me?!?" She squealed taking the roses and sniffing them.

"I'm glad you love them!" You blushed.

"Yess! Thank you!"

"I love you Doll." You smiled and wrapped your arms around her waist.

"I l-love you too-- Seriously stop calling me that."

"Why do you hate that nickname so much?" You asked.

"One, it makes me redder than a tomato, two--"

She continued babbling until you cut her off by smashing your lips with hers.

She kissed you back while her cheeks heated up.

You pulled her closer and deepened the kiss making a light groan come from her.

"Can you two please-- Not in the kitchen." Toy Bonnie walked in and interrupted.

"What are you doing here Bon?" Toy Chica Chici asked annoyed by the interruption.

"I came to see if the cupcakes are done. I'm hungry." He pouted like a little kid.

"Oh fudge the cupcakes!!!" She yelled running to the oven, but it was too late. The cupcakes were burnt to a crisp.

"You burnt the cupcakes?!?" Toy Bonnie asked in disbelief.

"Yep they're toast." You answered staring at the cupcakes while feeling bad for making her forget the cupcakes.

"Is something burning?" Toy Freddy peeped his head in the door confused.

Yep, you're the reason she burnt the cupcakes, but you both spend the rest of the day baking fresh batches of them. Which was really fun. When you're with her.

Life's truly beautiful.

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