Chapter 1

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Loud shots rang out in Gerard's ears. He ducked his head down, hiding from the enemy. An enormous boom erupted from the ground a few yards away, sending soldiers flying and screaming in agony.

Gerard closed his eyes. He imaged Frank, being able to kiss him again. He imagined Mikey, going home together and celebrating their victory.

Another ear-piercing explosion arose just feet away from Gerard.

His eyes grew wide as he faintly heard the scream for his name.

"Gerard! Help me!"

Gerard sprinted out from behind his hiding place, his fellow soldiers screaming at him to get down. He could feel the heat of nearby bombs exploding, but he had to get to Mikey.

"Mikey! Mikey are you okay?" Gerard crouched down beside his brother and cradled his head. Blood seeped from the mans uniform, and Gerard sobbed at the sight.

"Everything will be okay," he all but whispered. His tears mixed with the dirt and ash that had gathered on his face. He held Mikey tighter and lowered his head.

"I love you Gee."

"I love you too Mikey."

That was the last thing Mikey heard before his breathing ceased. Gerard sobbed harder and clutched his brother. He tears fell onto his brothers helmet, the helmet that was supposed to protect him from harm.

"Gerard we have to go," Ray gripped his arm and tried to pull him away. When Gerard didn't move Ray tried again, "Gerard fucking come on."

Gerard finally let go when more shouting was heard in the distance. Ray held him close to his body as they ran away from the scene.

His body was numb with fear and pain. This pain was much greater than anything the enemies could do to him. This was the pain of losing his best friend.

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