Chapter 2

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Gerard sniffled as he held Mikey's badge in his hand. His thumb grazed the front, feeling the texture of the cool metal.

"We don't often do this for a situation like this, but we're sending you home on Honorable Discharge. We know how close you and Mikey were and we think it's best for you. Stay safe Gerard."

Gerard's eyes didn't stray from the badge as he was spoken to. He didn't care what happened to him now, he just missed Mikey.

Time seemed to stand still on his way home. The only person waiting for him was Frank, yet he still didn't want to go back. He wanted to keep fighting, to prove he's strong enough to go on. Nevertheless, once Gerard's given an order, he couldn't oppose.

He lowered his head to stare at his leather boots as he walked out of the airport. His military uniform stood out against the other outfits.

People would often come up and tell him how thankful they were, or how brave he is. Gerard just smiled and gave a quiet "thank you."

By the time he got his luggage and went on his search for Frank, the airport was nearly empty. He shuffled around until he found the main area, were frank would most likely be.

There he stood, holding up a giant sign that said "welcome home geebear." Gerard couldn't help but smile as Frank ran up to him. The small boy jumped into Gerard's arms, wrapping his legs around his husbands waist.

"I'm so sorry about what happened Gee," Frank whispered. Gerard couldn't help but start to sob.

Frank released himself and hugged Gerard tightly. He steadied the man and kissed his face multiple times.

"You're so strong baby. I love you," Frank whispered. Gerard cried harder, clutching onto Franks shirt while his body shook.

"Let's get you home okay?"

Gerard nodded and let his tears flow lightly as he gripped Franks hand. He decided was glad to be home.

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