Nobody Cares

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Nobody cared
Nobody ever had
Heck I didn't even care
I just wished I wasn't stuck in this life
I felt trapped
I felt like there is no way out
I didn't  think that I can be saved
I would not have made it
I knew nothing about real happiness
I always faked it
But then
He came
He lit up my world
He gave me a reason
A reason to smile
A tension on my lips bringing them closer  to my ears
A reason to laugh
A song that makes the pain in my stomach a good sign
A reason to wear something cute
Spending an hour digging through an abyss of clothes
He makes me so happy
He makes me so glad that I was given this chance
He makes me, me.
I don't think he really cares
He has left me before
I don't think he really loves me
Even though he says he does
It scares me
It frightens me
Because I truly love him

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