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Natsu huffed and puffed. In and out. He had won. Won his battle against Zeref... well kind of. He did not KILL him but only got him to flee. Natsu struggled to stay balanced and standing as a matter of fact. No one was there to help him, considering he ran off on his own, well with Happy, to beat up Zeref. Happy had been told to go back to the other guild members and help there and so he did as he was told. Natsu was really alone. No Wendy. No Gray. No Erza. No Happy, no Carla. And No Lucy. He wanted to see Lucy the MOST, since he hadn't seen her since he woke up and beat up that assassin dude. (I forgot his name. Sorry.)
"Kusō... I can barely stand. I need to stay awake so I can g-"


Natsu froze, upon hearing the voice he had been longing to hear.


Natsu was halted after turning to see only the blinding light of the sun. His shoulders slouched and his slight smile disappeared. He had only dreamt it. She wasn't there, of course she wasn't, she was in Magnolia, fighting for her friends and her own life. He knew that and yet he still thought she would be there. He had the slightest hope that she would be there, smiling that beautiful smile of hers. Showing her mesmerizing chocolate brown eyes. Her golden blonde locks flowing in the wind.


He cursed as he started walking back the way he 'flew'. He knew that he was millions and millions of miles away from Magnolia, but he HAD to get back to her. Back to Lucy. Back to his home. He walked and walked. Non stop.

"Hey kid! What the hell are y- WAIT! Natsu?!"

Natsu turned to his right to see-

"Old man!"

Natsu smiled at his old friend, Gildarts Clive. Gildarts was driving a magic mobile and holding a bag over his shoulder while staring at Natsu. His calm face was then replaced by a very concerned one, seeing Natsu's wounds.

"Natsu! Get in, and I don't give a damn about your motion sickness thing! Just g-"

Before Gildarts could finish, Natsu bolted to the magic mobile and climbed in the back seat, causing Gildarts to go wide eyed.

"Hey! What got in-"

"Just DRIVE!"

Natsu yelled, Gildarts nodding and stomping on the gas pedal. The drive was long, quiet and hell on Earth for Natsu, but he had to get back, so he ignored the pain and focused on the only thing that could calm him down. Lucy Heartfilia.
Lucy groaned in pain as she was thrown into a nearby wall by a general of the Alvarez army.

"Come on! Give me all you got girly!"

He yelled, only making him look like he had a very BIG ego. Lucy knew what she had to do to win, but it would drain all her magic, she didn't know if she wanted to or not. No. She had to, she had to beat this guy, so she could help the others, even if she was low on magic power.

"Open! Gate of the twins! Gemini!"

And on command Gemini appeared as Lucy and knew exactly what to do.

"Survey the Heavens, Open the Heavens...
All the stars, far and wide...
Show me thy appearance...
With such shine.
Oh Tetrabiblos...
I am the ruler of the stars...
Aspect become complete...
Open thy malevolent gate.
Oh 88 Stars of the heaven...
Urano Metria!"

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