The Inner Demon

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Natsu glared at Zeref, frozen in fear of choosing incorrectly. Yes, he wanted to save Lucy, but to save Lucy, he had to kill Zeref, and if what Zeref told Natsu was true then Natsu would die. Lucy would be devastated. But if he doesn't save her then she would've died, and Natsu did NOT want that.

"Do you want to let her live? Or do you want her to die?"

Zeref pridefully asked. Gray and Juvia gritted their teeth, in the hopes that Natsu would choose-

"Let live."

Was all that Natsu said before charging at Zeref and punching him right in the gut, sending him flying into a boulder. Natsu walked up to the black cloud containing Lucy and put his forehead on the side.

"I promise. I'll get you out no matter the consequence. Okay? I promise."

Natsu promised as he backed away and then shifted his gaze to Gray and Juvia, who slowly nodded and walked over to the cloud.

"I. Will. KILL. YOU. You. Fucking. Fuckass."

Natsu slowly said, lowering his head and clenching his fists.

"Oh ho ho! Give me all ya got."

Zeref taunted, of course, with how mad Natsu already was, it worked and Natsu went charging at him with the intent to kill. Gray and Juvia stared with worry, as Lucy could only listen as the oxygen in the cloud slowly disappeared from the air.

"Natsu be careful."

Gray whispered to himself, however Juvia was clearly able to hear him. She placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled at him.

"Juvia knows that Natsu won't lose. He WILL beat Zeref and save Lucy."

Juvia told him, Gray turning towards her and politely removed her hand, keeping her hand in his tight grip as he placed it on his chest, also looking towards the ground.

"But if he kills Zeref-"

"I said beat. Not kill."

Gray froze, remembering what she said. He knew what she had said, he just twisted the way she said it. Natsu flew at Zeref punching and kicking. Missing and missing. Every hit he missed would get him angrier and angrier. As Natsu got mad, Zeref got happier and his smirk stayed. Gray clenched his fists, Juvia narrowed her eyes and slightly tapped her foot.
Lucy silently listened to the fight, not really being able to do anything else. She couldn't do anything to stop it. She had no way to change Natsu's mind. She knew he wouldn't change it, he was dead set on saving her. She couldn't stand it, not being able to help when it's needed most. She also knew that Gray and Juvia didn't want to stop him, they agreed with him, but also didn't. She knew that everything would go the way that Natsu wanted.
Natsu panted, after throwing dozens and dozens of punches. Zeref hadn't broke a sweat, not yet at least.

"Just let Lucy go!"

Natsu yelled at him, trying to get him to give in. Zeref closed his eyes and shook his head.

"You have to understand-"

"Understand that you are a complete idiot."

The cloud surrounding Lucy then dispersed into many little squares of dust. Lucy fell to the ground and landed on her knees.

"What the-"

Zeref gulped as an intense magic power emerged from a man slowly walking towards them.

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