Like A Dream

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'Hey Lucy can I ask you a question?'

'Sure. What is it?'

'If you had to, would you kill me, but in the process, kill Natsu? Just to save Natsu?'

'What? I don't understand your question.'

'Would you kill me to save Natsu? But kill him in the process?'

'What kind of question is-'

'Just answer. Please.'

Lucy stared at END with the most confused eyes ever as she thought of an answer.

'How would I be able to save Natsu by killing you, which would kill him?'

Lucy asked END, who just looked at her, not responding.


'Fine! I would. I would kill you to save Natsu.'

'Good. I hoped you would say that. Now listen closely, to save Natsu from both me AND Zeref, Zeref has to be neardy, and other mages have to as well, for magic power. When I take control of Natsu, you have to use Urano Metria and kill me. When you do you have to say these words-'
Lucy took a deep breath. Natsu screamed in pain, clutching his head. Zeref was smirking, watching the wings and horns sprout from Natsu's body. Fangs grew in and scales covered half his body. His screams filled the town, coursing through every living thing in ear shot. A long dragon like tail grew and wagged around as Natsu's screams ceased.

"I'm BACK."

END said, happily. Lucy cleared her throat, getting END's attention. He stared at her, his straight face turning into a small smile.



Lucy showed a small smile before walking over to END and giving him a small hug, leaving Gray, Juvia, Erza, Gildarts and Zeref... VERY CONFUSED. Gray stared in disbelief as Lucy pulled away and let her smile slip off her face.

"You know I won't let you do it that easily, right? You'll have to try harder than usual."

Lucy scoffed as END smirked at her. She and END had always joked around in the most serious of situations. They hadn't known each other long but they were already pretty close.

"But before I do that, you'll do your job."

Lucy told END, who just crossed his arms and smirked. He was very sassy at times, and also very serious. Lucy could control both sides of him. She knew that he would listen to her. He always did, no matter what she told him to do.

"And what makes you think that?"

"Because I say, kill Zeref."

Lucy said, making everyone freeze and go wide eyed. END smiled and slowly nodded.

"As you wish, Princess."

END turned towards Zeref, who was staring at him in disbelief. END's smirk faded as his fist lit on fire, a black fire. Zeref knew how strong END was, he knew he couldn't beat him, but he was confused at the fact that he and Lucy knew each other, AND the fact that LUCY told END to kill Zeref, which meant to also kill Natsu. Zeref took a step away from him, as END took a step closer.

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