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Lucy looked around her apartment, looking for the mystery person.

'Over here Lucy.'

Lucy dashed to the kitchen but no one was there.

'Come on Lucy, find ME.'

The voice rang throughout the apartment owned by the Mage. She ran into every room, looking for the owner of the mysterious voice.

'Find me, and you can save NATSU.'

Lucy froze, not knowing how the 'voice' knew about that. Lucy stopped in her living room and caught her breath. She jerked her head around every which way.

'Stop trying so hard and think. You don't? And he dies.'


His voice was muffled and quiet. But Lucy heard enough of it. She closed her eyes and shook her head.

'It's not a dream Lucy. Open your eyes. Face your GREATEST fear!'

The voice echoed through her mind, torturing her on the inside. Lucy gasped as she felt the ground beneath her disappear. She was falling, no doubt about that, but she didn't feel a breeze, she wasn't scared that she was going to die. Once she thought she would be falling forever, she hit the ground, hard, a groan escaping from her lips.

'Stay put. Don't move. They'll find you.'

Lucy tensed up, upon hearing sharp breaths from behind her but she refused to turn around.

"Where is she?"

"I don't know. We have to find the Dragon Slayer first, him being Master END."

Then the breathing ceased and Lucy loosened up. She turned around and saw three silhouettes from the distance, getting harder to see by the second. Lucy was then grabbed and dragged into the darkness, she immediately closed her eyes.

'Try it. I DARE you to escape. But I'm not going easy on you.'

She slowly opened her eyes and saw Natsu, laying on the ground, bleeding like hell, beaten, bruised and motionless. She could tell that he was alive, but in so much pain.

"Natsu! You're gonna be okay!"

Lucy said as she crawled to Natsu and put his head in her lap. She could hear his short breaths, slightly see the onyx of his eyes and feel the warmth of his breath.

"Natsu. It'll be fine. This is all a nightmare! That's all it is."

"Lu... cy?"

Natsu spoke, Lucy gasping and staring at him.


"I... Love... You. No matter what... Happens to me. Stay... safe... please."

Natsu confessed, causing Lucy to tear up and start crying. Natsu put his hand up to Luc's cheek and placed it on it, wiping away her tears.

"Don't... cry. Not for me..."

He told her, only causing her to cry more.

"Of course I'll cry for you! I love you! Nothing will change that! I won't let you die either!"

Lucy cried, Natsu's eyes slowly closing.

"You can't save me. I love you, Luce."

Natsu managed to get out, before his hand fell and his chest stopped moving up and down. Lucy cried and cried, screaming his name.


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