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Natsu and Lucy slowly opened their eyes, only to see that they were back in Lucy's apartment, Natsu being on the couch and Lucy in a chair. Gray and Happy sat up and looked around the room. Lucy sighed as she stood up and looked at Natsu, who slowly sat up.

"Natsu? Are you okay?"

Natsu slowly nodded as he climbed off the couch and walked to the kitchen to get some food. Gray wiped away the stray sweat that was rolling down his face. Happy smiled and then flew over to Lucy.

"Lushee, what was that?"

Happy asked, sitting down in front of her. Lucy sighed and rubbed the back of her neck.

"It was just a nightmare Happy. Don't worry about it."

Lucy told him, as Natsu walked back into the living room with a banana in his mouth. Gray sighed and laid back down on the floor, covering his eyes with his arm. They had all been through a lot...but that was too much, even for Natsu and Gray. Lucy stood up, brushed off her skirt, then picked up her celestial keys from her dresser. She started heading towards the door but was stopped, when Natsu grabbed her hand. She turned towards him and sighed, his head was facing the floor and his eyes were covered by his bangs. She figured that he would eventually do this, she knew so much more about him then he knew about himself. He stared at the ground as his grip tightened, he breath getting sharp and quick.

"Lucy. What the hell was that? How'd you know what to do to wake us up?"

Natsu asked, still looking towards the floor, not able to bring himself to look at Lucy in the eyes. Lucy sighed again and slowly removed his hand and opened the front door.

"Sorry guys, but I can't tell you that. Not yet at least."

Lucy said, walking out the door and down the stairs, leaving Natsu, Gray and Happy confused, and angry. She walked to the guild and sat down at the bar, resting her chin on her hands. Mira soon approached her and asked if she wanted anything, getting a grunt in return. Many others said hi to her but she continued to give out grunts. She was already in a bad mood, not being able to tell the others what happened, but she also felt very bad, at the fact that she trusts her dead ansector more than her friends.... No her family at Fairy Tail.

"Lucy. Is something wrong, you seem a bit out of it. Also do you know where Happy, Natsu and Gray are, they've been gone all day."

Mira asked Lucy, Lucy finally looking up at her and shrugging. Mira sighed and continued to do her daily chores, neither her nor Lucy ever really noticing the guild doors opening and three people come in and sit down next to Lucy at the bar.

"Oh there you are you three! We've been trying to find out where you we- ummm."

Mira stopped, a dark aura surrounding the four mages at the bar. Soon everyone felt the tension in the air and looked at Lucy, Gray, Happy and Natsu. Ezra stood up and walked over to them. She was about to put a hand on Lucy's shoulder to get her attention but-

"I told you I can't tell you!"

Lucy exclaimed, standing up. Natsu scoffed and stood up as well, leaving Gray and Happy kind of scared as to where this conversation might lead.

"We are you friends and family! Why can't you tell me what's going on?!"

Natsu yelled at Lucy, who rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"What?! Can't tell me THAT either?! Ha! You don't seem like much of a friend to me!"

Natsu yelled, causing Erza to narrow her eyes and everyone else's attention turn to them.

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