There's Only One Way For This To End(Finale)

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Lucy stared as her friends fought for her. Fighting the demons form the Books of Zeref... It was breath taking. Ezra was of course doing great, Gajeel, Juvia, Gray, Wendy were all doing good! Natsu on the other hand, was gunning straight for Zeref himself. Natsu glared at him, but glancing over at Lucy ever so often to check on her.


Natsu yelled, a spiral of fire shot at Zeref and almost.... knocked him off his feet. Zeroed regained his balance as Natsu threw another attack at him.


Natsu punched Zeref in the gut and then backed away so he couldn't attack back. Zeroed stood there, not moving but alive. Nasty huffed as Zeref looked up at Natsu, with the most insane face ever. Lucy knew what to do, as Zeref got in the stance to use a magic spell, that could most likely kill Natsu. Zeref shot the attack at Natsu, who didn't any time to dodge it.



They yelled his name, hoping for the best but all they got, was surprise and sorrow. In front of Natsu was Lucy, who took the attack head on and saved Natsu, but was almost dead herself. She lost her balance and fell backwards, and into Natsu's arms. He looked at her and sighed.

"You are one crazy girl. Ya know what?"

Natsu said, slightly smiling at Lucy, but holding in the tears in his eyes. Lucy smiled a cheek y smile and nodded. Natsu sighed again, laid her down on the ground carefully, and kissed her cheek before standing up to face Zeref. Lucy smiled weakly as Natsu ran towards Zeref, furious but calm at the same time. He needed to stay calm do the others would feel like they had a very strong chance of winning, which they totally did. He was furious due to the harm done to Lucy, by Zeref. Natsu  fought and fought, for his friends and the one he loves. Lucy and the others watched as Natsu defeated Zeref.


Gray cheered, but that was stopped when Erza stared at Natsu in sorrow.


Lucy interrupted her by standing up and smiling. She knew a way to get Natsu to live after killing  Zeref. She knew a spell that was taught to her by the Celestial Spirit King, a spell that could cleanse any demon from a human or any demon in general.

"I cleanse thee. Cleanse him of the demon inside. Help his poor soul, let him live, let him survive and enjoy the life given to him."

Lucy said as the room was filed with a red, blinding light. Nastu screamed in pain as END was cleansed from his soul. Erza gasped as the light dimmed, and she saw Natsu laying on the ground, motionless. Lucy fell to the ground, unconscious, as Gray and the others ran to her and Natsu.

'Thank you Lucy, you did well. You cleansed me from Natsu and saved him.'


Natsu slowly opened his eyes, seeing the white ceiling of the infirmary at Fairy Tail. He smiled, knowing he was back home. Then he remembered, sitting up, but falling back onto his back as a jolt of pain shot up through his body. He groaned in pain as he sat up, slowly and looked around to see Lucy in the bed next to his. He slowly got out of the bed and walked over to hers. He dragged a chair over next to the bed and sat down, resting his head on her bed. He put his hand on top of hers and eventually fell back asleep. Gray and a few others came in to check up on them, only to see the two asleep, but Natsu moved from his bed to hers, only making them chuckle.

After a few weeks of recovery, Lucy and Natsu were allowed to get back into action, not that there was much, now that Zeref had been defeated. Natsu was congratulated for beating his older brother, the story of that spread around the country of Fiore quite quickly, in the time span of a couple months, everyone knew about it. Natsu became known as the hero of the country and rumors started up and everything. He fought bravely and valiantly. In the end, he won the battle against Mages and then won a battle against love. As months past, Lucy and Natsu grew close, VERY close. Then one day, he decided to take a big step and get on one knee.

"Lucy Heartfilia, ever since we met, I've had so much fun, going on missions with you, eating dinner with you, jumping in through your window.  I wouldn't have this story end any other way. And I will ALWAYS love you, so will you make me the happiest and most honored man ever, and marry me?"

Natsu asked, Lucy crying but smiling. She nodded her head and yelled-


They hugged and then kissed. The wedding was huge, along with the cake, they celebrated and partied all night.


"After that, they lived a happy life, had two kids and continued to go on LOTS of missions."

Lucy finished. The children clapped for the story that Lucy and Natsu told. It was a story of their life, their love life too. Nastu smiled as Lucy rubbed the back of her neck.

"That was awesome! We get to meet the GREAT NATSU AND LUCY DRAGNEEL!"

One of the little boys cheered. Nashi smiled and ran up to her mother and father. Luke ran up as well, after saying bye to his friends.

"Momma! That was cool! I loved it!"

Nashi cheered, Luke nodding in agreement.

"I liked it too! My friends loved it so much! You should come to school more often and tell stories!"

Luke said, hugging his father, Nashi hugging Lucy.

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