Chapter 29: Rallying Up the Troops

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For the next 2 and a half weeks, I talked to everyone in P. E. class but I didn't specifically say what I needed help with but Nicole, Brianna, Bailey, Sasha, Bryan, and John agreed to meet up with the rest of us during the holiday break. Ok Jae! Focus and calm down! I said to myself when Joe grabbed me from behind.

Hey brat stop talking to yourself, he said laughing.

I'm trying stalker, I said in a giggle.

Are you ready Jasmine?, he asked.

Nooooppe...., I replied as we walked out the building.

Everyone agreed to meet up at my house to help me with this dilemma.

Hey sexy lady!, Trinity said as I got out the car.

Hey there lil mama, I said back.

Heeeyyy.... My sexy lady, Joe said in a pout.

Soo what did you want us to help you with Jae?, Sasha asked.

Well..., I paused.

Go ahead baby.. I'm sure they'll say yes, Joe said as he held my hand.

Ok... As most of you may know... I am a pure blood heir to the Moon Empire... Meaning I am a Werewolf, I announced but nobody budged. Yes?.. No..., I added.

Ha! We knew already dude!, Sasha said as she sat down on the couch.

Wait... How?, I asked shocked a bit.

Well for 1... You move swifter and you picked up Eugene in P.E. today... So something was off about that, Bailey said as she kicked her shoes off.

Oh yeah... For a week straight you knew where I was and 3 of those days I did it on purpose by trying to hide my scent but you found me, John said as he playfully threw a pillow at me. I mean you're pretty strong as a pure blood should be so we came to that conclusion as we sat here waiting for you... Aaaannnd I won $20 bucks, he added with a smile.

We all sat and talked for a bit until Bryan beat me to the question.

So...... When do we fight and where do we sign up?, he said smiling.

Wait... You guys will join me! Like you guys wanna be apart of my pack!?, I yelled almost in tears.... Let's face it I'm a cry baby.

Well duuh dude!, Sasha yelled smiling.

See Jazzy I told you they'd say yes, Joe said holding on to me.

I'm going to cry you guys... Wait, I said laughing while trying to hold the tears back. Are you guys serious? This could get us killed, I added.

Jasmine if that's what it takes then I will follow you into this battle, Brianna said as Nicole agreed. We all know how Joe feels about you and he practically goes crazy when you're around or your name gets mentioned so if he has to wait a century then we'll keep you company in the afterlife, she added.

Wow... I've never had friends let alone have friends that are willing to fight with me, I said in complete tears.

Sasha got up and hugged me as Bailey tried to wipe my face. They didn't understand that I had just completely let them into my life... Fully. It felt like the pressure on my chest was lifted and I could finally breath finally. My dad walked in with some laundry but I ran to him as he dropped the basket.

They.. They.. Said yes daddy... They said yes.. I f-finally have my pack dad!, I sobbed into his arms as we fell to the floor while he held me.

It's ok baby just let it all out.. Don't hold these tears in because you've held on to too much stuff this past year so cry baby, he said as I cried knowing I could breath... I didn't have to hold on to my anger, depression, stress, anxiety, and fears... Why?.... Because I had friends now.. I have a bond with each one of them and they claimed me as their "missing link" in their separate journeys in life.

My dad picked me up and carried me down to my bed and left. Moments later, all the girls came down and laid around me. Trinity pulled the blanket over me after Sasha took my shoes off.

We're here Jae... Ok?, Nicole said as she laid next to me.

Around 10 pm, I woke up and everyone was gone... Or at least I thought they were. I walked up the steps when I heard voices on the other side of the door. Everyone was in the kitchen talking so I sat down and listened in.

Ok Joe explain to us just specifically how Jasmine and you got together because I'm clueless then again I'm not, I heard Bryan ask.

I could feel him smiling at the mentioning of my name as his heart beat fluttered a bit.

Well when she moved here almost 6 months ago.... I thought she was the cutest girl I'd ever seen but her temper is what really made me like her even more, he said as everyone laughed a bit.

Trust me they had it out for each other for two straight months until school started, Joshua said.

Yeah we did but I was trying to keep from falling for her until we had our first dream together... You guys don't know how these dreams make me feel... Like I have to hide certain things from my dreams from her but when she finds out about it, I feel stupid that my brat cries each time because she's finally accepting me and this change in her life but here I go withholding something that affects the both of us, he added as his heart rate went up a bit.

Awwwwww, I heard Nicole and Brianna say that made me blush a bit.

I love how all you guys just get speechless over one of us and at this age... I understand why Jasmine is the way she shows us because nobody likes to be alone but I'd rather be alone to protect myself when I don't have anyone, Trinity said.

Well she has us now and today I felt my heart break completely because she thought we wouldn't say yes to her, John admitted. True enough we haven't been friends long but she's like a sister to me and for me to say that... Then she earned my trust pretty fast, he continued.

As they continued to talk, I heard my dad walk in.

Hey you guys... Wait it's a school night why aren't you guys sleep... This one time.. Since I'm home.. It's fine if you all can spend the night, he said walking further into the kitchen.

We can't sleep let alone leave her by her self tonight Mr. J, Jon said.

Well everyone go home get your school clothes and come on back, he said and I could feel the warmness in his voice.

As everyone left, I went back to my bed and turned on the tv but my stomach started to rumble so I had to sneak upstairs and get some food. Buuuuut nobody likes to let me live out my plans.. As soon as I opened the door, Joe was picking up a fully loaded plate of food but he stopped and smiled.

Hey sleepy head... Come sit, he said placing the food down and motioned for me to come sit.

Where's everyone?, I asked.

You know Jasmine.. I could smell you sitting at the door, he said smiling still.

See... Werewolves.. Can't let me just have this one little win can you?, I asked trying not to laugh but he made it hard not to.

Eat your food brat, he said laughing.

This time I will.... But when I'm done I'll be talking again, I said making him laugh.

30 minutes later, everyone came back and we all went down to my room and got ready for bed. It felt good to have them with me.

Goodnight everyone, I yelled but no one said it back... So I yelled again. Ok since nobody heard me... That's why I had cheese today!, I said making them yell at Joe.

Awww come on dude, Colby yelled making me laugh.

Ok I'm gonna hurt you brat, Joe said laughing.

No you will not cuz you guys love me and you will not harm an itty bitty hair on my little head, I said laughing.

Big head self yes we will, Bailey said causing a burst of laughter to errupt.

Ok Bailey that was mean, I said laughing.

But we do love you so hush woman, she added.

With that, we all ended up going to sleep... Well they did. I still had things on my mind. I watched Joe's eyes reflect off my window as the thoughts faded enough to let me sleep some. I guess he knew my mind was racing just then.

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