Chapter 1: Through thr Mirror

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"Great job everyone now let's do it again from the top."

Everyone in the room groaned except for me. Rachel, the high school junior. We were in the middle of dance team practice. We were doing "Point of No Return," from the musical Phantom of the Opera. Being the girl who suggested the song, I got to be Christine. It also helped that I had the pale skin, brown hair, and soft eyes. My good friend Adam who is the best male dancer and looked the part portrayed as the Phantom or Erik.

It helped that Adam also liked the musical. It was easy for us, but the other dancers hated the routine since they were back up dancers.

"But Miss Couture, our feet are killing us," Abagail, the meanest queen bee ever, complained. She's just jealous she didn't get to dance with Adam.

"I'm sorry, but if you don't hold your tongue, you will give me fifty releves on the bar," Miss Couture said reminding me of Madame Giry.

"May we take a small break?" Adam asked politely, "Rachel and I need to be well rested for competition tomorrow."

"All right, I'll give you both ten minutes and no more," Miss Couture said.

I head over to the prop and costume closet. The place where everything from musicals at the high school was. They put on Phantom of the Opera a long time ago, so all the stuff from it was there. I absolutely loves trying on costumes and acting out scenes with the props. I also sing here. It's my safe haven.

It was there where I found it. The antique gold framed mirror. I walked towards it. Something about it made me feel pulled towards it. Then I heard a far away yet familiar voice beckoning me closer.

I am your angel of music.... Come to me angel of music......

I reached for the frame of mirror, to see if there was a sliding glass door, when I tripped over an overturned chair and hit my head against the gold frame. I saw a looming shadow appear over me as all went dark.


I woke up in a small room with hushed voices over me.

"Will she be okay?"

"Hopefully she can still dance."

"Look she's waking up."

Then I saw a familiar face. Blonde hair and blue eyes. Oh My God, it's Meg Giry.

"Meg?" I manage to croak.

"Are you okay my friend?" Meg asks.

"I guess so, but I can't remember anything," Rachel moaned when a stabbing pain pulsed through her head.

"You tripped and hit your head after doing one too many pirouettes during rehearsal," she explained.

"How long was I unconscious?"

"About eighteen hours," Meg answers.

Then realization struck. I was in the musical I've always dreamed of being a part of. Not in it, but living it. I wonder if he is watching. If the story would go as planned. If I could end up altering everything.

"Is she well enough to go to rehearsal?" Madame Giry came into my line of sight.

"Don't worry I'll be fine after I get some water," I reply graciously.

"Then get dressed, the new managers are going to be here," Madame Giry commands.

So this is when the musical starts when Andre and Firmin come to the opera house.

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