Whatsername has a name

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"Billies POV"

I woke up to screaming indicating Tre was up.

I turned and saw Morgan sound asleep.

I smiled hearing her name echo through my mind.

'She's so cute.' I thought.

'Dude you've only known her a day. Chill out.'

'But people fall in love after seconds!' I argued with myself.

I brushed off the thought and pulled on some pants and a shirt.

I walked out into the hall hearing mike shush tre.

When I got into the living room mike and tre were giving me creepy looks.

"What!?" I finally asked.

"Nothing. Lover boy." tre said lifting an eyebrow.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Dude we walked into your room and M was in there!"

I was shocked.

"Nothing happened!" tre gave me a smirk like he didn't believe me.

"Nothing happened asshole." I said through gritted teeth.

They both put there hands up in surrender and laughed.

I rolled my eyes and felt my stomach growl.

I walked to the refrigerator to get food.

There was only mustard and pizza from 2 weeks ago.

'Ugh' I thought.

"I'm going to Denny's do you guys want anything?" I asked mike and tre.

They both shook their heads.

I grabbed mikes car keys and took off out the door.


I woke up and turned over in bed. Billie wasn't there.

I frowned a little hoping I could see him first.

'What are you thinking morgan!? you've only known him a day!'

I thought.

'But. I believe in love at first sight!'

'But I don't love him do i?'

I shook off the thought and slipped out of bed.

I walked into the living room and saw tre and mike sitting on the couch.

"Hey guys." I said with a morning voice.

"Hey chickadee!" tre yelled.

"Have you seen billie?" I asked.

They both looked at each other and then back at me with creep stares.

"What?" I asked.

"Do you miss billies kisses?" tre asked.

"Um what!?" I basically yelled.

"You guys slept in the same room last night! you expect us to believe nothing happened?" mike argued.

"Nothing did!" I yelled.

"Okay. Whatever." tre said still not believing me.

I walked into the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

I waited in there until I heard the front door open.

Indicating they had left or billie got home.

When it finally opened I stepped out of the bathroom.

Billie was standing in the kitchen.

"Hey Morgan!" He yelled without realizing.

When he did he gasped and covered his mouth.

"Morgan eh?" tre asked putting his arm around my waist.

"Yes." I said slapping his arm away.

"No need to be feisty!" he yelled and smiled.

"So whatsername has a name?" Mike asked.

I nodded and walked over to billie.

He handed me a box and smiled.

"What's this?" I asked. A smile forming.

"Your breakfast!" he yelled and walked me over to the couch.

We sat for a second in silence while mike and tre stood uncomfortably in the kitchen.

I saw tre flash mike a look out of the corner of my eye.

"Me and mike are gonna go. We have a thing to do."

Mike didn't hesitate. they grabbed the keys and walked out of the door.

"So Morgan." billie said as he turned toward me.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" he asked in a higher tone.

"Haha. Yeah billie that sounds awesome!" I said with sarcasm.

"So yes?" he asked again.

"Yes!" I yelled.

He got up off of the couch and back with a movie in hand.

I gasped in horror.


I came home when Morgan walked out of the bathroom.

I gave her her breakfast and we sat down at the couch.

Mike and tre left minutes after.

"So morgan." I said

"Yes?" she asked in an adorable voice.

I smiled.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" I asked with one already in mind.

She replied sarcastically and I got up to go get the movie.

I saw it at the foot of my bed.

Her hair all over the case except for her terrifying eye.

The grudge.

I grabbed it and walked out of the room.

When I walked into the living room Morgan seemed terrified.

"What?" I asked with a smile.


"Haha. Well good thing your sleeping in my room with me." I said popping the disc into the DVD player.

She sat scared at the edge if the couch when it began.

30 minutes into the movie she jumped for the first time.

"Hahaha! you scared?" I asked.

"YES!" she yelled covering her face with her hands.

I looked at her and without a second thought I pulled her into me.

She seemed shocked at first but after a little while she laid into me comfortably.

She was so cute.

I hope she sticks around a while.


There's an update bitches!!! Haha I hope you enjoyed and sorry about not updating for awhile. but I will!!!

I will!!!

Soooo what do you want to happen???

Should she stick around?

Should her mom come back?

Should she trust billie?

Will she nightmares?

Find out in the next chapter!

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