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The next morning was depressing and silent. None of us wished to the waken members of the group 'Good morning!", none of us spoke to each other. I dressed up in the RV, cleaned my face with water and made my hair into pony tail hairstyle. When I walked out of the car, I saw nearly everyone doing something what they wanted. There were those, who were looking to in front of themselves, some people were watching the landscape, and there were some, who weren't waken up already. There was one woman, who was sitting on the ground, next to an other person.

It was still Andrea next to her dead sister. She wasn't crying by then, and when Rick walked to her to bring her sister to the fire to burn it, she pulled out her gun and looked murderous to him. Those who have seen this kept their breaths inside themselves. The fact, that Andrea could shot nearly our leader, was not likeable to his wife and son. Rick slowly stepped back, while he tried to make sure the woman that she didn't have to do it, until the pretty woman turned back to her family member.

All of a sudden, we heard a loud shout from one of the tents. When we looked to the direction where the noise came from, we saw Carol and Sophia, who were sitting and crying in each other's arm. When Shane, Dale and I ran to them, we saw the reason why they were sad.

Carol's husband, the man, who was unknown for me yesterday evening was dead. His face, neck and leg were bleeding, and he was lying there speechless and without breath. Never spoke again.

Glenn, Shane and T-Dog grabbed the elder man, and brought to the fire where we burned our loved ones not to turn to walkers. But before it, those who undertook killing the dead finally, took the axe to cut their head off. Before T-Dog would be able to cut Ed's head, Carol stopped him by grabbing the axe.

- I have to do it. - Carol looked at him and T gave her the axe.

- You don't have to. - I stepped next to her. She looked at me, and I knew she really wanted to do it, so I didn't made an obstacle for her.

The elder woman boosted the axe, but she couldn't do it yet, because the pain what she felt for losing her husband was more stronger than her own arms. I ran to her to help her stand up, after making myself sure that she was okay, and I walked away to let her finally kill her consort, and I looked at Daryl, who was silent and calm then. Or at least he seemed like he was. When Carol finished, Glenn and I put Ed's body into the grave what Jim dug aforehand. It was a bit strange to me that Jim started to dig a hole a few days before, and he hadn't give us the reason, why he was doing it. And now, we put our loved one's bodies into it. But I didn't care about it anymore.

Sophia was sitting under a tree, few metres away, and inasmuch as Carol was in their tent, I asked the little girl if I could sit next to her. She nodded, and I sat down to the tree bottom.

- Maybe I know the answer - I broke the silence - but I need to ask you: Are you alright? - she looked up to me and a tear appeared on her face, so I put my arms around her shoulder.

- Daddy was not the best father. He often hit mom, and shouted at us. But I loved him.

- I know. - and we never talked again for a while. I was watching the others going back and forth. T-Dog and Shane started to fry the fish on the fire, while Dale was standing on the caravan and looking into his spyglass. He seemed calm, and smiled when he put it dow, so I knew, we are in safe for some time.

Lori and Carl were studying during having breakfast, and Rick was eating with Glenn, Shane Daryl and T-Dog. When I looked down onto my lap, I saw Sophia was having a rest, and she looked in front of herself. I started to stroke her face lightly, and a lock was intersected into her eyes, so I put it away.

Survive the Impossible ~ A "The Walking Dead" Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now