Chapter 12

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Tay's POV

The door opened as I stood up an it hit me in the face. Who walked out....the bitch Bella Sour. Yes Sour was her last name its fucking hilarious! Went to elementary with her and she was a bitch and kept messaging me on face book really snobby shit and kept asking me questions like if I had a boyfriend and who's my best friend and shit like that I'm like 'Shut the fuck up and go fuck someone else's day up please. "Oh my god! Im so sorry Tay!" she said sarcastically with her little 'Possy' behind her. I was bend over holding my face cus ya, it fucking hurt! Billie came over to me and asked if I was okay. I lifted my head up and his eye's went wide. "What?! What's wrong..." I said worried. "The left side of your face is all red." Billie said. "Right on target!" I heard Bella mumble and her 'Possy' giggle. "Go be a asian somewhere else please cus I don't need to deal with you during my favorite class." I said. "Oh your just a little outcast who need's a little popularity in life Tay." Bella said highfiveing one of her gals. "Well lookie right here to my right is my boyfriend. Im not popular am I and I got him." I said pointing at Billie. "When did you start dating? Arn't you Married Billie? Isn't he to old for you?" Bella said asking me multiple questions. "Can you stay out of my business and stop asking me questions and move so I can go in the chorus room?" I said annoyed. She looked pissed and moved out of the way. I walked into the class room I love and walked up the bleacher's to the Alto section in the back corner. Billie sat on my left as the room started to fill up. Kira and Tre walked in talking to Nick and Gabe. I smiled when I saw Gabe as he walked over towards Billie and I. "Hey Pika. I believe this is Billie Joe Armstrong." Gabe said putting out his hand. Billie shook and I said "Gabe meet Billie, Billie meet Gabe.". Gabe sat down and Nick came over. He set his books down next to his chair and I took one of them and looked threw it. He then grabbed it and set it down and I chuckled. I always took his books and threw them behind the bleacher's. The room filled up as the multiple popular's like Sarah walked in. Sarah was one of a very small amount of popular's who was nice to us. The snobby girls like Madison, Isabella, Jada, Kelly, Hannah, and a couple other's sat down. Mr.Coatis walked in and clapped his hands and said "Living the dream i tell ya.". "Well how many Alto's today? 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8....9? Wait who's the extra? Well hello there." Mr.Coatis said. "Oh Mr.Coatis this is Billie Joe ArmStrong from Green Day." I explained. "Hello ArmStrong! How are you and may I ask you why your here?" Mr.Coatis said. "I here with my girlfriend. Today is her last day because she got a record deal at Red Star Record's." Billie said. Mr.C look impressed. "Who's the lovely lady?" Mr.C said. I raised my hand slowly. "Yes Miss.Electric?" Mr.C said. "Ugh I'm not raising my hand for a question I have I'm raising it for Billie's answer." I said nervously. Billie then pointed to me as Mr.Coatis looked back at Billie. "Miss.Electric you have alway's been the shy type in my class. You never sang for us. I have heard one year you frightened a chorus teacher but wow. Congrats! Everyone give Miss.Electric a round of a plause." Mr.C said. I side smiled as everyone did so. "Ok now sopranos! 11....NOW WE HAVE ANOTHER GUEST! Anyone else bring men with them?!?!" Mr.Coatis said sarcasticly . "Ya ummm....I also have Tay and Billie's story but with Kira and Kira is in Tay's band as the drummer." Tre said. "I am honored to have Punk Rock Star's and soon to be Rock star's in my class room. Now is the last guys in your band a...WHATSISNAME UMM....Mike! Ya is he here?"Mr.C said. "I believe the song is WhatSerName...." I mumbled. Billie chuckled at what I said and Kira said "No Madison has Orchestra so him and her are in that room.". Mr.Coatis went on his computer putting in the people who are absent and all that shit.

"So how bout we have Tay and Kira do a song?" Mr.Coatis said. "Oh I don't sing I only play." Kira said. "But Billie sing's he's the lead singer of Green day so...." Tre yelled hyper. "Well your just a hyper one arn't ya." Mr.C said. I chuckled as I started walking to the piano. "Okay then ArmStrong to the floor please." Mr.C said again. "Now what song you gonna sing?" Mr.C said "NIGHTLIFE!" I said then covered my mouth."Okay Then. Here we go." Mr.C said. Billie Started,

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