Chapter 20

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Tay's POV

I woke up this morning to the sound of electric guitar playing. I got up and walked down stair's and made myself coffee. I walked toward the little studio they had in the house and walked in. They were playing ¡Viva La Gloria!. I leaned on the door way of the studio as I noticed the one band member i havent met yet....Jason White. Thanks Billie for introducing me!(<-sarcasm) Tre opened his eyes from playing so hard and noticed I was standing there and stopped playing. His eye's were wide and i was confused. "Tre why the hell did you stop pla....oh hello." Mike said then his eye's going wide Billie turned around and his faced dropped to. "What the fuck is wrong?" i said confused. "Tay, your half naked." Mike said. Thats when i realized I was just wearing a T-shirt and underwear...well there is my first impression on Jason. Billie rushed over to me and said "Ill be right back.". He guided me up to our room and said "Tay, what the fuck?!". "Calm down 2 dollar Bill, i forgot I was in my PJ's. and how come you never introduced me to Mr.White down there?" I asked. (btw that was Billie's nickname when he was in high school xD the more y'know!) "You never asked." Billie said. Right when Billie turned around I said "Watch, you still have a guitar on." Before he exited to door. "Thanks." he said before turning to his side to exit out the door. I went threw the dresser and found this black short skirt thing. Ariels I'm guessing. I put it on and it was short. Only wearing it for today. Im not a girly girl like most chicks are. I need a shirt that the shoulder shows out. I went threw a bag I had with me and found a black and red one. Perfect! Madison left her high heeled boots here to. Nice. I put the on and went into the bathroom. I blew dry my hair to give it a wavy look even tho my hair was not wet. I put eyeliner on and mascara and made it look smokey. Well I thought I would never use this...I put on red lip stick and put my glasses on. For once....I look really hot. Exactly why am I doing this?....Because you want to tease that sexy hunk of meat down stairs...once again my fucking perverted mind goes off. Well I guess he deserves to be teased. I put my glasses on and headed down stair's.

I walked into the kitchen and took a sip of the coffee I had. cold...great. I put it in the sink and walked to the studio. This skirt....I don't feel normal wearing this stuff. I leaned on the door frame again. This time Billie looked up and he dropped his guitar pick and his mouth and eye's went wide. "Who the hell is this sexy chick guys!?!?" Jason said pointing to me. "Thats...thats.." Billie stuttered studying my body. "Im Billie girlfriend, it's nice to finally meet you Jason. Im Tay Electric." I said walking over to shake his hand. "Like you know, Im Jason White." he said Kissing the back of my hand. I chuckled and Billie said. "like SHE SAID, she is MY girlfriend." Billie said still standing still and shocked. "Ill let you boys practice. i need to practice my line's for tonight." I said. Hmmm sassy walk time. Watching Alea walk away all these year's finally came in handy. I did this sassy walk to the door and walked out. I stood next to the door to hear what they were going to say.

"Holy....shit....that might have turned me on." Billie said. "Were the hell did she get those clothe's?" Mike asked. "The fuck is up with her?" I heard Tre say. "Can I fuck her." I heard Jason say. That's when it grew sigh lent and I heard Billie say "Fuck off, she is my girlfriend.". I walked away and went into the living room. I decided to text Jared.

Pika,Pikachu ;3

Hey JarBear! Can I come over your place so we can practice some line's?

JarBear c:

1. Sure you can. 2.umm how did you know my house is in California?

Pika,Pikachu ;3

I have no clue. Text me your address and ill be right over.

JarBear c:

K see ya soon.

He then sent me his address and I walked back to the studio. "Hey im going to practice with Jared so Ill see ya guys later." I said stopping in. "Bye Tay!" Tre,Mike, and Jason said at the same time. "Ugh no your not." Billie said crossing his arms. "Ugh, ya I am. I need to practice for tonight dumb ass." I said then walking away. I felt someone grab my wrist and turn me around. "Your not fucking going to see him." Billie said. "Im not going to fucking do anything! Trust me." I said looking into his eyes. He cupped my face with his hand and then kissed me passionately. I kissed him back and he started leaning me agenst the wall. We ended the kiss and he layed is forehead on mine. "I trust you not to make any wrong disitions." Billie said. "Thank you Billie. I see you Later. I love you." Said pecking him on the lips. "Love you to." he said and walked back into the studio. I walked outside and got into the hummer and drove to Jared's house.

Well im feelling happy. Idk why but I just am xD Well this authors note is short so! lololololololol Love Ya's! ~WhatSerName2 <3

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