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I walked through the hallway to chemistry with a guy named Xavier.

It was obvious he tried to hard to get a girl, but with that personality of his, it's obvious he needs to...

I couldn't help but being peeved at Jake. We walk through the hallway everyday together! And if it wasn't for him not being here I wouldn't have to talk to this guy.

But then again I feel bad for thinking that. I mean, what if Jake was in his room dying or puking his guts out right now and I was being all selfish thinking about how horrible it was to walk with Xavier to class.

I always have known how to make myself feel guilty.

When the tardy bell rang and Jake still wasn't there I shot him a quick text saying "where r u?" Right before Mrs. Joslen walked into class with her jittery personality that everyone loved. Yes, it was obvious that Mrs. J was the favorite teacher of the school. She brightened up my day when I got to see her first.

About ten minutes into class a door opened. In walked a brunette angel that looked like a mix between high and overslept. Maybe number one was a side effect of number two, or the other way around.... Nah.

I suddenly realized it was Jake and that the empty seat next to me was now smoothly occupied after convincing Mrs. J that he was her favorite. It was true, Jake was great at chemistry.

He gave me his signature crooked grin and I returned it with raised eyebrows and turned look. Ignoring him was easy.

Okay that's a lie. Out of the corner of my eye I could feel him taking little glances at me to see if I was looking too. It was beginning to make me feel unconscious. But I was good at this game. I played it with Justin when we were younger. "The silent treatment" was something I could get a gold medal in the Olympics in if it was considered a sport.

When it seemed the class would never end, the bell rang. With a sigh I packed up my things and began walking out the door to be greeted by Jake who had beat me to it and held the door open.

"So couldn't keep your eyes off me huh?" He cocked

"You were the one staring at me the entire class!" I scoffed back.

"That's what they all say..."

"Why were you late anyways?" I asked him hoping he'd already saw my text before now.

"I overslept." He groaned

"Aw, is poor Jakey tired?" I mocked in my talking to a baby voice.

"Now that you've mentioned it.."

"Well good. You forced me to walk to chem with Xavier Trews!" I whined

"Aw, is poor Kaitlyn sad?"


"Yes I am." I crossed my arms and stuck out my lips as to act like a four year old. He laughed at me.

"Well what do you say I make it up to you?" He said still chuckling a little

"Do you mean you'll buy me a Barbie?" I exclaimed.

"How about something better... Like dinner on Friday night?"

"I kinda still want that Barbie." I said with a dead serious face.

He looked shocked and worried.

"Jake, I'm just kidding. Id love that!" I laughed.

He sighed in relief "oh good I just thought that was your way of saying no."

And with that we left each other and I was aching with butterflies. When I got home I told my dad that I had gotten asked out on a date. He disapproved but he loved seeing me happy so he just sighed and went along with it like a mom would do, but of course never offered to take me shopping for something fancy. But I didn't mind, I didn't even know the details yet.



I put the towel on my head as I got out of the shower. I blow dried and curled it making sure it was perfect. I wanted to wear makeup, but without looking over done. I decided on a simple coat of concealer, mascara, and lip gloss.

Then I got a text from Jake

"Bathing suit underneath clothes k?"

And I smiled to myself. So much for making my hair perfect. So after I slipped my swim suit, I put on a pair of black shorts with a peach flowy tank top that made me look a little more tan that normal (yay!) and some slip on sandals that I absolutely adored. I looked in the mirror confidently and smiled at myself. I was missing something.... Earrings! I reached into my jewelry box and pulled out a pair of diamond studs that were my mother's given to her by her mother. She left them behind, not really giving them to me, but I figured she would have one day if she stayed. I put them into my cartilage piercing, that I had gotten last summer, and pinned the front of my hair back with bobby pins show them off.

I walked across the hall and barged into Justin's room. "Do I look like a girl you'd date?"

"No you're too fat and ugly. But put some damn clothes on or you'll get raped." He said barely bothering looking up from his sports illustrated magazine. Oh I love my bubba. I went over and started jumping on his bed.

"Oh. Come. On. You. Know. I'm. Adorable." I bounced with each word.

"You're annoying is what you are." he didn't bother looking up this time.

"At least I'm not boringggggg." I pronounced like a four year old. And with that he grabbed my leg and pulled me down wrapping me in a bear hug. I screamed with surprise and laughed as he tickled underneath my armpits.

"Tap out Kaitlyn. You know you want toooooo." Justin grinned and thought he had won. He was wrong. I bit his arm and he cried out in pain letting go. I pinned him down as he did to me.

"Tap out Justin, you know you want to." I smirked just as he had to me.

"My baby sister is growing up on me." He spoke smiling. I rolled my eyes just in time for the doorbell to right. Jake was here!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2014 ⏰

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