New Friends

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"Hi I'm Ella! Nice to meet you!" She said with a cheesy grin.

"Hi I'm Kaitlyn." I said with a closed mouth smile, my teeth weren't nearly as white as hers.

"Kaitlyn, you're so pretty!!! I love your hair!" She exclaimed.

I was shocked, how could a, a..... Model like this say I was pretty and actually mean it?!

"Let's go upstairs!" She shouted as her sandals clonked up the wooden staircase.

When we got to my room she was just gleaming with joy.

"Oh my gawd, this mirror," She ran a finger around the old dusty mirror in the corner, "your room is amazing!"

"Thanks, I haven't gotten really settled in yet."

"So tell me about you Kaitlyn?" She asked as her eyes were locked on the headboard of my bed.

Should I tell her I'm actually a nerd? Or that I'm a popular? Athlete? What do i do?!

"Um I moved here from Ohio, and...."

"Ohio! I've heard that's a great place to live! What were your friends like?" She stared at me for an answer.

I never really had a social life. I was always studying for a test, or practicing for the algebra competition every month. I had a couple people I sat with at lunch but never really a connection with anyone, no sleepovers or anything.

"Um well, they were cool. I mean the ones I had..." I replied turning bright red in the face.

"Ones you had? You must've had plenty!" She giggled.

"Actually no. I was kind of a nerd. I never really had time for friends..." I explained looking down at the floor.

"No time for friends?! Well now you do! Kaitlyn would you like to OFFICIALLY become my new friend?" She gave me a smirky grin.

"Ummm...," this had never happened in Ohio, "sure Ella, I would love for you to be my new friend." I gave her a big smile and we both fell back laughing.

"Where's your makeup Kaitlyn?" She gave me a confused look while I was unpacking my bag.

"I don't own any." I gave her an ashamed look.

"No makeup! Omg this is a major emergency," Her eyes widened, "be ready at noon tomorrow, I'm taking you shopping. Kaitlyn, as your new official friend I believe you need a makeover." She spoke sincerely.

A makeover....? But before I could object she was already walking out the door yelling bye behind her. I smiled and continued unpacking.

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