De'arra and Ken|| Talking Tough and Making up

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De'arra  Taylor √

"Stop Ken!" I pushed his face away from my neck, fixing the MacBook securely on my lap." We have to finish editing this video before five, come on!"

"We can finish editing after, come on!" I felt his hand slide underneath my skirt and I grimaced at his mimicking.

"After what?" I asked, getting irritated and removing his crusty hand from off of my leg.

"After we do a little bit of this." Ken kissed my shoulder, slipping the strap of my tank top down my arm.

I pushed him off." Let me edit the damn video Ken." I gripped the MacBook tighter in my hand, gritting my teeth as I enunciated each word.

Ken got up, glaring at me." Are we gonna do this again De'arra?" He asked, sighing heavily after he did so.

"Do what?" I questioned, feigning ignorance.

"You know what, De'arra!" He shouted, slapping his palm aggressively on the coffee table. I cringed at the sudden sound, putting my right hand to my heart, grimacing yet again.

We were in the living room having just recorded a video in there. A fire was blazing in the fireplace which made the room a little less chilly.

Ken continued." You reject me every time I come on to you. You're always giving me excuses about having to edit or being tired!" He was now standing in front of the flat screen, his bare feet dragging against the white, fluffy carpet as he spoke, livid." I can't remember the last time we even genuinely kissed, De'arra."

I quivered in my seat, having never seen Ken this angry before. My lips glued together when he kneeled down before me, his palms covering my cheeks." I'd like to know what I did bae, tell me what I did so I can fix it, because I hate being rejected by my girlfriend." He placed his forehead on mine, seeming to almost be in tears.

I blinked.' Well this escalated quickly.' I thought. My features softened as I looked at him. "I didn't know I was doing that." I whispered feeling guilty. I placed my palms on his  as cheeks as he did me and wiped away the tear which fell from his eye." I'm sorry Ken, its just that I've been really caught up in this YouTube thing that sometimes I just forget my role in real life, here, with you bae."

" I understand bae, but we can't let it break us apart." He rose to  feet." If all  of this goes," He referred to the room around us." and this YouTube thing fails to work anymore, I want reassurance that there will still be an us. Okay?" Ken pleaded, his voice laced with emotions and his eyes watery."Okay?" He asked again, falling back to his knees in front of me.

I sniffled as the realization of what I'd been doing hit me like a tonne of bricks. "Okay." I nodded before I swooped in to give him a kiss on his lips. I pulled away. " But if I ever pull some shit like this again,bitch slap me or drench me with a bucket of cold water."

He laughed loudly at my plea." I'm serious, Ken." I brought his face in my hands.

"Okay. I'll drench you with a bucket of water if you do this again." He smiled at me, gazing into my eyes." Because I'll never slap a Princess and your my Princess, bae."

I moaned at his sweetness and launched at him which caused us to tumble on the carpet." I love you." I didn't allow him to answer as I kissed him hard, holding onto him for dear life.

Thank you Sugar for reading. Means a lot to me.
Comment if you found it interesting or whatever.
I was just watching my daily dose of YouTube couple drama one day and thought," I wonder what happens between them off camera?", and then I just started this book.Bam!
Lol! :-)

Thanks again for reading though.
Hmu if you wanna!
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