♡Everything will be Okay♡

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~Emilys POV~

"Do I have to go to grandma's?" My mum was making me go to my grandmas but I really really did not want to go.

"Yes! Emily it's just for a few hours until I finish a job for my friend!" I think this is the first time in 2 weeks I have seen her sober!

"But im 15 I can stay home alone!" I argued.

Don't get me wrong, I love my Grandma, I just hate going to her house. its not just her house I hate. You see, my two cousins Amelia and Grace are going to be there and they are not nice at all they are evil, selfish little brats. They always make fun of me and bully me and they never get in trouble because of their 'innocence'. A few months ago, Amelia pulled my hair and tripped me up infront of the entire school, And they laughed! Her sister Grace is even worse! She is constantly spreading rumours about me that aren't true. A few months ago she 'accidentally' broke my arm by hitting me with a baseball bat! She is a year older than me so she could get in big trouble but no-one ever believes me. She even gets me to do her homework and most of it is way to hard seeing that she is in the year above. My parents never beleive me when I tell them what she does. The only people I truly love is my bestest friend Niall and my younger brother Lucas, they have been there for me when my parents fight and when I get bullied, they have never left my side, not once.

My mom and dad aren't even that nice to me either. When I was a kid my dad never had time for me, he would always say "tomorrow maybe" but he never did.. Then he got up amd left us, things haven't been the same since, Plus my mom doesn't cook dinner either so I have to eat crap all day long like crisps, microwave food, chocolate. Its a good thing I didn't get overweight from all the junk food. In all my life not once have I heard my mom or dad saying "I love you" to eachother or to me. My mom often hits me It's not usually that bad, maybe a bruise here and there, but once about 5 months ago she started getting really violent and once she even pushed me down the stairs and I was unconscious for an hour. Im sick of this, She says she does it cause i was a mistake, she beats me and doesn't stop, even when I cry and ask her to stop she never does..

I started cutting a few months ago and it helps a little bit.. Even though it leaves sore unwanted scars around my body.. Niall found out not so long ago and tried his best to make me stop, I told him I have stopped, but I haven't... Sometimes I just want to kill myself because no one in this world wants me here.. But then I think of Lucas, what would lucas do if I weren't here? I always protect him when my mom gets angry at us.. He would be hurt and isolated if I weren't here..and then there's Niall, My best friend Niall, He is just so amazing and funny, And knowing him has made a big difference in my life.

My school grades are another thing.. School is so stressful. My grades are terrible and sometimes I can't afford the equipment like calculators for maths or stationery for art because I have to buy these things out of my own pocket money, my so called parents dont buy me anything.

My mom cut me out of my day-dream "You are going to your grandma's tomorrow evening weither you like it or not. ok?"

"Fine." I said with gritted teeth. I despised her so much. she hasn't done anything for me in my whole life.

I went to bed hungry again as usual and texted Niall, I bought my own phone with my own money a few months ago it isn't the latest Iphone or anything it's just something to keep in contact with Niall, even though he only lives across the road.

"Hey(: whats up?"

"Nothing much Just watching t.v. you?"

"I am starving! my so called mother is drunk down the stairs:'("

"Aww, want me to call over with food? (:"

"omg yes yes yes pleeaassee!!!"

"yeah I'll be over in 5(:"

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