☆Chapter 2☆

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"Thanks Mrs Horan" I mumbled as I devoured the hot cup of tea Nialls mom made me.

"No problem love, And call me Maura." She said sweetly.

Dang I wish my mom was this nice.. Last night Niall took me to his house and we told his mom everything, She said she was going to call the police but I begged her not to... Even though I despise her, She is my mother and deep deep deep deep deep very very very deep down.. I love her.

"Thank you for letting me stay over.."

"Anytime hunny, Just you call over whenever you want to! we love having you over." She said with a thick Irish accent.

I thanked her quietly again and Niall walked me to the door.

"Are you sure you want to go home? I mean, My mom could call the cops and everything would be fine.."

"No Niall, im going to go home and hopefully talk some sense into her."

"Well I'm not letting you go alone."

"Niall, please.. She's my Mom she isn't going to hurt me" I assured, though I know she would.

After a lot of persuading, He finnally let me go alone. I slowly walked off his porch and out of his yard dreading to see what state my mom was in.. I turned around the corner to my street and with each step I repeated

She's my mom, she wouldn't hurt me.. right?....

I finnally reached my house and shakily opened the gate, I slowly walked up to my door and slipped my hand under the welcome mat. I swiped up the key and inserted it steadily. The door squeaked open and I stepped in..

The smell of alcohol and drugs overwhelmed me and I nearly threw up the breakfast Mrs Horan made me.

I took slow steps farther into the house and looked around "Mom?.."...









Still nothing. I walked into the living room where she usually was. She still wasn't there. Then I checked the kitchen...




And there she was passed out drunk on the floor.. of course. I Shook her firmly to try and wake her up but she just grumbled and rolled over. Great.

I don't understand why my mom hates me. I never did anything to hurt her. I was a great child, I never cried for anything, I never had big tantrums in a shop for wanting a little doll. but she still hates me.. You were a mistake. The words circled in my head maybe I was a mistake. I looked up at the clock.


Lucas has to be picked up in twenty minutes. I guess I will have to pick him up. I stood up and grabbed my jacket then walked out the door, I can't let Lucas see mom like this. Lucas' kindergarden is only down the road a little bit, but it was long enough away that I could clear my mind and think about what I am going to do.

All I have to do is pack a small bag, leave a note for my mom and get on a bus with Lucas. Then it's all over, I could find a family that loves us.. I would go to a foster home but that means me and Lucas would get split up and I am not letting that happen. That's it.. That is what im going to do.




im going to run away.





Thanks for reading chapter 2!

I know, I know I still have to work on my writing skills, but hey its only for entertainment purposes(:

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