Chapter 1

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Hi guys This is my first fan fiction so make sure to vote and comment. Hope you like it.



***Stef's POV **

"Ow" I moan as i try and remember what happened. ...I can feel a pounding in my head. 'no, No, NO! not again' i think to myself...'Not again!'

Dozens of memory's come flooding back to me. The snow. The mountain. the board at my feet. The ambulance ariving. The blood on the snow. "NO!"I scream covering my head.

I try and calm down. 'That was last year... all last year' I think to myself.

'This was to soon I shouldn't have come back. I should have just locked my board away and forgotten the whole thing.' I mentally argue

I try to slow my breathing as the tears spill down my face.

"Your ok." I whisper

'Your at whistler ski resort'. I mentally tell myself

"Your ok." I whisper again

'It's December 3rd.'

"Your ok."

'It's like ...12:00 p.m?"

"Your ok. Your ok. Calm down."

'That was last year. All last year.'

"Your ok. Your ok"

'You just fell'

"Your ok. Your ok."

'Your not hurt. No ones with you. No ones hurt'

" You just fell'

"Your ok. Your ok."

I try to calm down

"Your ok.... Your ok" I say out load trying to convince myself I my own words...

***yesterday afternoon****

///11:30// school lunch room ////

I begin to make my way threw the lunch line I grab some fruit and mashed potatoes.

I stayed after late in

the choir room and there's only about 10 minuets left of lunch. I'll probably barely get any time to eat but whatever.

I keep walking as I pass the burgers with disgust. They are begging to look more and more like rawhide every day now.

As as I'm checking out I hear a group of girls behind me squealing and an giggling.

"No! no! call them Nash potatoes" I here one of the girls scream.

I turn around and see a tall girl with jet black hair laughing hysterically with her group of friends as the Crowded around the mashed potatoes.

"Oh look" another one shouts pointing to the rooting hamburgers. "Cam-burgers!"

They all begin to die laughing, and I leave before things can get any worse.

'Wow' I think to myself. 'there making fun of the school food was just sad.'

My school can be pretty strange. It's kinda divided into groups, like all schools are. Only are school isn't like the classic 80's movies with the jocks and brainiacs. No. now we have more like the sluts and the computer nerds and those girls... They were the fan girls.

I make my way over to my table.

We're what you could call the island of misfit toys. My friends and I are like a mix of everything. In fact the only thing we have in common is that we all play volleyball together. Other than that we all have our own things that we like. my best friend Lilly is a bit of a fan girl, beca's a tomboy, Stacey's a hipster, and Taylor spends a little to much time on the computer.

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