Chapter 7

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***Stef's POV***

/// 4:00m//Whistler ski resort///

The security guard escorted us out of the water, gave us each a towel, and read us the rules of public behavior in the park.

Sines Nash was 16 and i was 15 we got off with a "warning." We didn't get thrown out but we did get suspended from this part of the private section.We could still go the hotels, condos, bakeries, side shops and all of those things. We just couldn't go near the fountain again. Oh well. worst if all. we were given a curfew. We weren't aloud to be out if Hotel rooms or "assigned sleeping areas" after 7:00pm witch really, wasn't that bad.

Once the guard left, Nash and I huddle inside a little café at the end of the street to find the nearest heater. Were both freezing. The towels that the guard had given us hadn't done much in the way of drying us off.

We go inside an are welcomed with a gust of warm air and smell of chocolate chip cookies. It's just a small one room café that consists of 7 or 8 tables that are all abandon. The whole rooms empty except for a waitress at the front counter.

"Business must be pretty slow" i whisper to Nash. I don't look but i can hear him stifle a laugh.

I look around the room and I can't help but grin. The walls are painted a bright, warm yellow and each wall is covered in pictures. Pictures of foods and skiers and snowboarders. Theres pictures of the mountain and ski jumpers along with pictures of different kinds of cucumbers and Strawberries. The tables have snowflake covered table cloths and a yellow flower and candle at the center. They even have snowy owl place mats. I look up and see a large circular mirror hanging on one wall along with a large sign that reads Café sol.

"God its so-"

"Perfect" Nash says finishing my sentence for me.

"Yeah I really like it." I say smiling.

"It's nice. There's a freezer and a fire place.... A fire place!"

We both lock eyes and then bolt over to the fire to warm up. We take off our wet jackets and gloves and hang them on a near bye rack. Nash takes his already soaked towel and throws it on his head and uses it to re-spike his hair. We pull up some chairs and sit down so that we can put are hands near the fire to warm.We're staring to remove our soaked snow pants when the waitress from behind the counter comes over

"Hello." she says kindly. She looks about 35. Shes tall and has long brown hair thats been pulled back into a ponytail. "Is there anything that i can get for this lovely couple?"

"Oh! us?" I say looking around the room "were not a coup-"

"Yes" Nash says cutting me off. "Will get..." He turns around and steals a menu from an abandon table near by ands stars looking it over "we will have two cups of hot chocolate with extra whipped cream. He pauses. "Um... Kendra." He says gesturing to her name tag. "Can you possibly bring us the whole can of whipped cream?" He asks dead serious.

"Ah..." She says a little confused. "Yeah yah know we actually just got a few new bottles of it. It's gonna be... Ahh $2.00 extra how bout?"

"Sounds great." Nash says with a smile. And with that she turns and head back into the kitchen.

"Nash!" I say in a load whisper "What are you doing? I can't pay for any of this! I don't have any money with me."

"Oh it's fine."He says brushing the issue aside. "I'll pay for it."

"What a gentleman." I say sarcastically. "Look I don't think You can pay for it though. I'm guessing that your wallet and money is still soaked along with everything else."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2014 ⏰

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