Chapter 3

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***Stef's POV****

///12:00 am// whistler ski resort///

All I remember was hitting the ground.

I don't think I even hit it that hard.

But that's all it took for me too lose it.

After screaming and crying for about a 3 minuets, I was able to pull it together.

"Your ok Stef." I whisper to myself.

I try to take a deep breath but there's a knot in my throat so I end up coughing and just taking in large gasp of air.

My vision is spotty and my goggles are slipping off my tear covered face. But once I take a few deep breaths I begin to pull it together.

As I finally start to rise, my vision begins to get a little foggy and my board gets caught on the snow and I end up falling back down on my butt.

I guess the blond boy saw me struggling because he unbuckled his boots from his board and started hiking up the hill. His tale friend also began to board down from his spot higher on the slope.

Both of the boys meet in the middle of the trail and walk over to me.

"Hey man are you ok?" The tall one ask's me as he takes off his goggles reveling a pair of crustal blue eyes.

My googles are slipping down almost to my nose. And my helmet is begging to fall to the side as well. I probably look more damaged than I really am.

"Ah wha-" I mumble still a little shaken.

"Oh sorry " say the tall boy. "I'm Nash and this is Matt." he says hitting his blond friend in the chest playfully.

"Well hello Nash, Matt." I say looking each boy in the eyes. "My names Stephanie and its a pleasure to meet you guys." I say a bit sarcastically.

"We saw you fall and were just wondering if you were ok. Right Matt." Nash says hitting Matt in the chest again gently. Without breaking eye contact with me.

" yeah. It looks like you hit your head pretty hard when you fell." The blond say's as he whacks Nash back into shoulder without breaking eye contact with me either.

"Do you think she'll need a rescue sled?" Nash asks him. No longer acknowledging me or the hit he just received.

"I don't know? How long do you think it will take for a sled to get here? We're pretty high on the mountain. Do you think it would even be worth it?" Matt ask's in a strange seriousness that doesn't seem to fit his personality.

I speak up before they can baby me any more. I mean I like it when people are concerned, I just don't like it when people smother me with attention.

"Look guys." I say coughing. "I appreciate the help and everything but I'm fine... really." I insist "Just a little shaken up thats all." I croak

"Are you sure?" Nash asks me offering me his hand.

"Here let me help ya up." he says.

I take his had gratefully.

I can be pretty clumsy in general. but I'm supper clumsy after I've done a 360, crashed and had a bit of a mental breakdown... So naturally getting up is a bit of a challenge.

But I'm able to rise in to my feet without a problem.

I look at Matt and i hear the stangest thing. He has one headphone in his ear and the other hanging down in front if his jacket.

Witch is perfectly normal only that he's a good foot away from me but I can hear the music blasting load and clear.

"Are you listening to ... Lipgloss bye lil mama? That's like my favorite song! "

"What? oh yeah!" He says looking down at his head phones smiling widely.

He reaches his hand inside his coat pocket and pulls out his phone. He unplugs his head phones and cranks the music.... And starts dancing!

Like full on dancing. In the middle of the trail in the middle of the mountain! And it wasn't even like, good dancing!

The refrain starts to play and He bends his Knees and shakes his butt in a circle, and his phone blasts "what-cha know boat me? what-cha, what-cha know boat me?"

Every time that i hear the base go "bum bum" Matt jumps up and crosses his legged so that he's facing and dancing in a new direction.

Nash laughs and try's to join In. Only Nash didn't detached his boots from his snow board to walk up here like Matt did. So as soon as he try's to jump and cross his legges he end's up falling right on top of Matt and a face planting right onto the snow.

I can't help it. I burst out laughing and so do the boys.

As I begin to wattle over to try and help them my board slips and I fall down as well. I'm to busy laughing to do anything that will really help them.

We're all to busy cracking up and falling over one and other trying to get up.

After a few minuets of stumbling, cursing and even more laughter were able to calm down.

Matt rolls over and stands up and Nash un buckles his boots from his board and and gets up as well.

Nash offers me his hand and I take it gratefully.

As I get up I stumble once again, and Nash's grip on my hand tightens as he keeps me from falling.

As I look up to thank him i relies just how tall he is.

I'm extremely short for my age (I'm about 5'3) and my head can barely make it past his shoulder.

He stares down at me his blue eys sparkling. Holding eye contact with me just a bit longer than necessary. Keeping his hold on my hand. Staring at me. No one ever stares at me.

I look down at my boots breaking the uncomfortable eye contact.

"Huhm" Nash says clearing his throat.

"Here. I think i'll just get going" I say as I begin to try and move forward.

"Hey Stef wait!" He says grabbing my arm. "Do you want to stay and board with us? We could show you some new trails and stuff."

I look down at my watch.

It's only 12:30. My dad won't be out of his meeting for another 3 hours. I have plenty of time.

I look over at Matt who seems to be more focussed on the Waffle House down at the bottom of the hill than anything that were talking about.

They seem completely harmless.

"Ok sure" I say with growing excitement.

"Ill race you guys to the bottom?"

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