Chapter4 (Nash's POV)

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***Nash's POV***

///12:30am//whistler ski resort ///

I zigzag forward and backward as I cruz down the terrain park avoiding as many rails, jumps and people as possible.

I look over and see Stephanie doing the same, only she's a few yards ahead of me.

I bend my Knees and go faster.

The chairlift is coming into view and were both going at dangerous spends.

The chairlift. That's what we agreed on when we made the plans for the race to the bottom. The first one to the chairlift wins.

I keep going fast for only about a minute or so before I slow down. I want to win, but I also don't want to crash and die.

I look over at stef to see that she's done the exact opposite! She's sped up and is now going really fast, with the chairlift not 20yards in front of her!

I watch her as she speeds closer to the chair.I'm wondering what her plan is when I relies the scary fact that she might not have a plan at all.

I surge forward to try and follow her. 'Maybe i can stop her or at least slow her down.' I think to myself. But I know that she's to far ahead of me for me to give her any real help.

I see her speed down the hill and just when she's about to fall and crash she shifts her wait and changes courses.

I watch her as she climbs the last jump on the hill, jumps, grabs the bottom of her board, dose a 360 and lands it perfectly. Right I front f the chair. Beating me. 'ZYAME!" I whisper. She knows what she's doing.

I, on the other hand am still cruising towards the chair and I have to do an abrupt turn to try and stop myself from slamming into the line of people that are already crowded around the chair.

I slam my board into the snow and stop.

I think I stopped a little to fast though because my board slides out from under me and I fall on my butt. Right in front of Stef!

"Hey there!" She says coming over.

As she glides over I relies that shes laughing.

She stares at me with a ridiculous grin on her face. "I beat you. Ya know."

"Yeah well that wasn't really fair." I say smiling back at her. "You used the jump."

"No!" She says arguing back playfully. "There was nothing in the rules that said that we couldn't use the jumps!" She exclaims her freckled face flushed.

"Yeah but... You just can't use the jumps it agents the rules." I say lamely.

She gives me a suspicious look. "Fine we'll have to do a rematch to see who gets first" she says crossing her arms competitively.

"At least we know that Matt lost, right?" She says offering me her hand.

I take it gratefully. As I went to get up I guess I either underestimated her strength or she was unprepared because she didn't pull me up... I pulled her down, right on top of me.

Our body's crash into each other and helmets bump.

"Oh sorry" she says scrambling trying to get up.

She fell on top of my left arm and as she shifts her wait I'm able to free it and put it on the small of her back steading her only slightly.

"Hear let me..." I say as I roll I over to try and get up.

As I turn Stef's hand gets caught under my torso and our boards cross and get caught on one and others. We are officially a tangled mess.

It's only then that I really relies that I'm lying in the snow with a very pretty girl right in top of me.

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