Chapter 6

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**Stef's POV**

/// 3:00pm// whistler ski resort///

When I get to the bottom of the mountain I see Nash and Matt waiting for me near a ski rack and when they see me, they wave me over.

"Hey. What took you so long?" Matt asks."Your normally the first one to the bottom."

"Oh I just..... Fell." I say lamely.

"Are you ok?" Nash asks me reaching out his had.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." I say, shooing his hand away. "I'm just hungry."

"Oh yeah let's get some hotdogs!" Matt says excitedly. "I know the best place to get hotdogs ill go grab you guys some. Ill be right back." He turns around and starts walking into the crowded streets.

"He has no idea where he's going dose he." I say to Nash.

"No idea what so ever." he says putting his arm around me directing me threw the crowd.

The too of us start walking threw the main part of the resort, (i guess you could call it the town square) and its super crowded. I'm grateful for Nash, if not for him I would have been lost beyond belief. I stay close to his side as we shuffle threw the crowds of people buying food and skiing equipment.

Were walking along the sidewalk when Im caught off guard by something in in the street. I release my firm grip on Nash's arm and walk over to see what it is.

As I walk closer i see that its a fountain in the middle of the square. It has a wide circular pond that's about 5 yards wide with the fountain standing 5 feet high in the center. I place my hand on the white marble thats surrounding the pound. It's cold to the touch. none the less I sit down and pier in at the water as it ripples from the fountain. "It beautiful." I whisper.

I look up and see the snow falling onto my hair and the Christmas lights everywhere. There are lights on the buildings, in the street, and and then there are even the lights on the mountain that are on fighting off the growing darkness.

As i look around at all of the moving and bustling people my eyes fall on the one person who's not moving at all. Nash. He looks at me and I see an adorable half smile begging to form at the edge of his mouth.

"What?Why are you staring at me like that?" I ask.

His mouth breaks into a grin. "It's just the way that you look at everything with such amazement." Nash say with a full on smile. "I can tell that you want to take it all In. Remember every detail of this place."'

I tilt me head to sideways."I don't know I just think it's beautiful."

"You think it's beautiful?" He asks.

"yeah yah know i think that it's one of my favorite things about the whole place. It's just so bright!" I say "Even when its pitch dark out. It's bright... Dose that make any sense?" I ask him.

"Yeah, it dose." he says "This whole place is filled with just this warmth! Yah know? It so... I don't know I just feel alive when I'm hear. Or in any city for that matter. It's beautiful."

At first I thought that Nash was just like one of the guys, a normal snowboarder that always pretended to act tuff, and cool. Just chilled with his friends and had a good time. And I was ok with that. I liked him like that. But this Nash. He seams different. Less guarded and up tight. It sounds like the words he's saying are actually his own. He's comfortable and himself.

" Yeah." I say. "I mean It's so cool here! Back home it was just a mountain with some trails, a chair lift and one main lodge. But hear. Hear it's so much more." I pause and look

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