Boys will be Boys

600 21 3

Boys will be Boys.
What a lovely saying.
Cause boys WILL be boys.

Boys will be dicks,
Boys will be jerks,
Boys will be cunts.

Boys will be boys.
That's what you say when your daughter comes home crying from being slut shamed.

Boys will be boys.
That's what you say when you get a call from your daughter after being stood up.

Boys will be boys.
That's what you say when your daughter comes home after having her butt grabbed.

Your daughter comes home from a party, sober, lifeless.

No words escape her mouth.
She dose not blink
She does no move.
She stands staring, one tear down the side of her face.

She feels worthless.
She feels like an object.
Like a toy.

"I've just had sex" she says, her voice cracking.

She has just be taught that no mater where, when or why, boys WILL want to have sex with her, no matter if she wants it or not.

She feels,

But you know what,
boys will be boys.
So it's all okay isn't it?

No it's not cause a girl just got rapped.
That just crosses the line.
But behind slut shamed.
Being stood up.
Getting your but grabbed.
Yeah that's fine.
Cause boys will be boys.

And you know what else is 'fine'
Saying boys will be boys.
It's no excuse.
Just because you are a certain gender does NOT give you the right to call me a slut, to stand me up, to touch my butt and CERTAINLY NOT gives you the right to stick your dick up my vagina.

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